Evidencing the harms of hate speech K Gelber, L McNamara Social Identities 22 (3), 324-341, 2016 | 264 | 2016 |
Speaking back K Gelber John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2002 | 229 | 2002 |
Speech and harm: Controversies over free speech I Maitra, MK McGowan Oxford University Press, 2012 | 227 | 2012 |
A fair queue? Australian public discourse on refugees and immigration K Gelber Journal of Australian Studies 27 (77), 23-30, 2003 | 88 | 2003 |
Differentiating hate speech: a systemic discrimination approach K Gelber Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 2021 | 83 | 2021 |
Ideas for Community Consultation: A discussion on principles and procedures for making consultation work L Carson, K Gelber NSW Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, 2001 | 69 | 2001 |
The effects of civil hate speech laws: Lessons from Australia K Gelber, L McNamara Law & Society Review 49 (3), 631-664, 2015 | 56 | 2015 |
Ethics and exclusion: representations of sovereignty in Australia’s approach to asylum-seekers K Gelber, M McDonald Review of International Studies 32 (2), 269-289, 2006 | 51 | 2006 |
Arguing matters: the Responsibility to Protect and the case of Libya T Dunne, K Gelber Global Responsibility to Protect 6 (3), 326-349, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Reconceptualizing counterspeech in hate-speech policy (with a focus on Australia) K Gelber Cambridge University Press, 2012 | 47 | 2012 |
Hate Speech-Definitions & Empirical Evidence K Gelber Const. Comment. 32, 619, 2017 | 46 | 2017 |
Hate speech and freedom of speech in Australia K Gelber, ASA Stone Federation Press, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
Speech matters: Getting free speech right K Gelber Univ. of Queensland Press, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
Powerscape: contemporary Australian political practice A Vromen, K Gelber Allen & Unwin, 2004 | 41 | 2004 |
Freedom of political speech, hate speech and the argument from democracy: The transformative contribution of capabilities theory K Gelber Contemporary Political Theory 9, 304-324, 2010 | 40 | 2010 |
Law and Liberty in the War on Terror A Lynch, E MacDonald, G Williams Federation Press, 2007 | 38 | 2007 |
Hate crimes: Public policy implications of the inclusion of gender K Gelber Australian Journal of Political Science 35 (2), 275-289, 2000 | 36 | 2000 |
Free speech in the digital age SJ Brison, K Gelber Oxford University Press, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Freedom of speech and racial vilification in Australia:‘The Bolt case’in public discourse K Gelber, L McNamara Australian Journal of Political Science 48 (4), 470-484, 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
‘Speaking back’: The likely fate of hate speech policy in the United States and Australia K Gelber Speech and harm: Controversies over free speech, 50-71, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |