دنبال کردن
sofiene DELLAGI
sofiene DELLAGI
Maître de conférences, Université de Lorraine
ایمیل تأیید شده در univ-lorraine.fr
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Sizing of the drone delivery fleet considering energy autonomy
A Troudi, SA Addouche, S Dellagi, AE Mhamedi
Sustainability 10 (9), 3344, 2018
Optimal integrated maintenance/production policy for randomly failing systems with variable failure rate
H Zied, D Sofiene, R Nidhal
International Journal of Production Research 49 (19), 5695-5712, 2011
Integrated Maintenance-Quality policy with rework process under improved imperfect preventive maintenance
A Gouiaa-Mtibaa, S Dellagi, Z Achour, W Erray
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 173, 1-11, 2018
Preventive maintenance of manufacturing systems under environmental constraints
S Dellagi, N Rezg, X Xie
International Journal of Production Research 45 (5), 1233-1254, 2007
Joint optimisation of maintenance and production policies considering random demand and variable production rate
S Ayed, D Sofiene, R Nidhal
International Journal of Production Research 50 (23), 6870-6885, 2012
Joint optimal inventory control and preventive maintenance policy
N Rezg, S Dellagi, A Chelbi
International Journal of Production Research 46 (19), 5349-5365, 2008
Joint optimisation of maintenance and production policies with subcontracting and product returns
H Zied, D Sofiene, R Nidhal
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 25, 589-602, 2014
Joint integrated production-maintenance policy with production plan smoothing through production rate control
S Dellagi, A Chelbi, W Trabelsi
Journal of manufacturing systems 42, 262-270, 2017
An optimal production/maintenance planning under stochastic random demand, service level and failure rate
H Zied, D Sofiene, R Nidhal
2009 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2009
An optimal preventive maintenance policy for a solar photovoltaic system
A Baklouti, L Mifdal, S Dellagi, A Chelbi
Sustainability 12 (10), 4266, 2020
Joint optimization of preventive maintenance and spare parts inventory for an optimal production plan with consideration of CO2 emission
K Ba, S Dellagi, N Rezg, W Erray
Reliability engineering & system safety 149, 172-186, 2016
Analytical evaluation of TPM performance based on an economic criterion
K Chaabane, J Schutz, S Dellagi, W Trabelsi
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 27 (2), 413-429, 2021
Full training convolutional neural network for ECG signals classification
K Kaouter, T Mohamed, D Sofiene, D Abbas, M Fouad
AIP conference proceedings 2190 (1), 2019
Logistics support approach for drone delivery fleet
A Troudi, SA Addouche, S Dellagi, A El Mhamedi
Smart Cities: Second International Conference, Smart-CT 2017, Málaga, Spain …, 2017
Joint Optimization Approach of Maintenance and Production Planning for a Multiple‐Product Manufacturing System
L Mifdal, Z Hajej, S Dellagi
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 769723, 2015
RETRACTED: Integrated maintenance/spare parts management for manufacturing system according to variable production rate impacting the system degradation
S Dellagi, W Trabelsi, Z Hajej, N Rezg
Concurrent Engineering 28 (1), 72-84, 2020
Lebanon’s electricity from fuel to solar energy production
M Julian, N Bassil, S Dellagi
Energy Reports 6, 420-429, 2020
Toward health 4.0: Challenges and opportunities
K Karboub, M Tabaa, A Dandache, S Dellagi, F Moutaouakkil
International conference on innovation and new trends in information …, 2019
Optimal preventive maintenance strategies for a wind turbine gearbox
Y Aafif, A Chelbi, L Mifdal, S Dellagi, I Majdouline
Energy Reports 8, 803-814, 2022
Ecological and joint optimization of preventive maintenance and spare parts inventories for an optimal production plan
B Kader, D Sofiene, R Nidhal, E Walid
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (3), 2139-2144, 2015
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20