دنبال کردن
Andrés M. Cuervo
Andrés M. Cuervo
Bird Curator and Professor, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN), Universidad Nacional de Colombia
ایمیل تأیید شده در unal.edu.co
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
The drivers of tropical speciation
BT Smith, JE McCormack, AM Cuervo, MJ Hickerson, A Aleixo, ...
Nature 515 (7527), 406-409, 2014
Earth history and the passerine superradiation
CH Oliveros, DJ Field, DT Ksepka, FK Barker, A Aleixo, MJ Andersen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7916-7925, 2019
The evolution of a tropical biodiversity hotspot
MG Harvey, GA Bravo, S Claramunt, AM Cuervo, GE Derryberry, ...
Science 370 (6522), 1343-1348, 2020
Lista de chequeo de las aves de Colombia: Una síntesis del estado del conocimiento desde Hilty & Brown (1986): Checklist of the birds of Colombia: A synthesis of the state of …
JE Avendaño, CI Bohórquez, L Rosselli, D Arzuza-Buelvas, FA Estela, ...
Ornitología colombiana, 1-83, 2017
Non-monophyly and deep genetic differentiation across low-elevation barriers in a Neotropical montane bird (Basileuterus tristriatus; Aves: Parulidae)
N Gutiérrez-Pinto, AM Cuervo, J Miranda, JL Pérez-Emán, RT Brumfield, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2012
Phylogeny and comparative phylogeography of Sclerurus (Aves: Furnariidae) reveal constant and cryptic diversification in an old radiation of rain forest understorey …
FM d’Horta, AM Cuervo, CC Ribas, RT Brumfield, CY Miyaki
Journal of Biogeography 40 (1), 37-49, 2013
Molecules, ecology, morphology, and songs in concert: how many species is Arremon torquatus (Aves: Emberizidae)?
CD Cadena, AM Cuervo
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99 (1), 152-176, 2010
Positive association between population genetic differentiation and speciation rates in New World birds
MG Harvey, GF Seeholzer, BT Smith, DL Rabosky, AM Cuervo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (24), 6328-6333, 2017
Scytalopus Stilesi, A New Species of Tapaculo (Rhinocryptidae) From the Cordillera Central of Colombia
AM Cuervo, CD Cadena, N Krabbe, LM Renjifo
The Auk 122 (2), 445-463, 2005
New and noteworthy bird records from the east slope of the Andes of Colombia
P Salaman, FG Stiles, CI Bohórquez, M Álvarez-R, AM Umaña, ...
Caldasia 24 (1), 157-189, 2002
A latitudinal phylogeographic diversity gradient in birds
BT Smith, GF Seeholzer, MG Harvey, AM Cuervo, RT Brumfield
PLoS biology 15 (4), e2001073, 2017
The influence of the complex topography and dynamic history of the montane Neotropics on the evolutionary differentiation of a cloud forest bird (Premnoplex brunnescens …
E Valderrama, JL Pérez‐Emán, RT Brumfield, AM Cuervo, CD Cadena
Journal of Biogeography 41 (8), 1533-1546, 2014
Biogeography of the Andean metaltail hummingbirds: contrasting evolutionary histories of tree line and habitat‐generalist clades
PM Benham, AM Cuervo, JA McGuire, CC Witt
Journal of Biogeography, 2015
Ornithological surveys in Serranía de los Churumbelos, southern Colombia
P Salaman, T Donegan, AM Cuervo
Cotinga 12, 29-39, 1999
Avifauna of the northern cordillera central of the Andes, Colombia
AM Cuervo, PC Pulgarín, D Calderón-F, JM Ochoa-Quintero, ...
Ornitología Neotropical 19, 495-515, 2008
Systematics, biogeography, and diversification of Scytalopus tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae), an enigmatic radiation of Neotropical montane birds
CD Cadena, AM Cuervo, LN Céspedes, GA Bravo, N Krabbe, ...
The Auk 137 (2), ukz077, 2020
A new species of piha (Cotingidae: Lipaugus) from the Cordillera Central of Colombia
Ibis 143 (4), 353-368, 2001
A new species of wren (Troglodytidae: Thryophilus) from the dry Cauca River Canyon, northwestern Colombia
CE Lara, AM Cuervo, SV Valderrama, D Calderón-F., CD Cadena
The Auk 129 (3), 537–550, 2012
New distributional bird data from the Cordillera Central of the Colombian Andes, with implications for the biogeography of northwestern South America
AM Cuervo, PC Pulgarín, D Calderón
The Condor 110 (3), 526-537, 2008
New and noteworthy bird records from the northern sector of the Western Andes of Colombia
AM Cuervo, FG Stiles, CD Cadena, JL Toro, GA Londoño
Bull British Ornithologists' Club 123 (1), 2003
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مقاله‌ها 1–20