دنبال کردن
Marcos Soares Lopes
Marcos Soares Lopes
Topigs Norsvin
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نقل شده توسط
Weighted single-step GWAS and gene network analysis reveal new candidate genes for semen traits in pigs
DBD Marques, JWM Bastiaansen, MLWJ Broekhuijse, MS Lopes, EF Knol, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 50, 1-14, 2018
Genome-wide association study reveals novel loci for litter size and its variability in a Large White pig population
E Sell-Kubiak, N Duijvesteijn, MS Lopes, LLG Janss, EF Knol, P Bijma, ...
BMC genomics 16 (1), 1049, 2015
Revealing new candidate genes for reproductive traits in pigs: combining Bayesian GWAS and functional pathways
LL Verardo, FF Silva, MS Lopes, O Madsen, JWM Bastiaansen, EF Knol, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 48, 1-13, 2016
Imputation to whole-genome sequence using multiple pig populations and its use in genome-wide association studies
S van den Berg, J Vandenplas, FA van Eeuwijk, AC Bouwman, MS Lopes, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 51, 1-13, 2019
Effects of heterozygosity on performance of purebred and crossbred pigs
MW Iversen, Ø Nordbø, E Gjerlaug-Enger, E Grindflek, MS Lopes, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 51, 1-13, 2019
Loss of function mutations in essential genes cause embryonic lethality in pigs
MFL Derks, AB Gjuvsland, M Bosse, MS Lopes, M van Son, B Harlizius, ...
PLOS Genetics 15 (3), e1008055, 2019
Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype block structure in six commercial pig lines.
R Veroneze, PS Lopes, SEF Guimarães, FF Silva, MS Lopes, B Harlizius, ...
Journal of animal science 91 (8), 3493-3501, 2013
A Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Dominance Effects on Number of Teats in Pigs
MS Lopes, JWM Bastiaansen, B Harlizius, EF Knol, H Bovenhuis
Sire evaluation for total number born in pigs using a genomic reaction norms approach.
FF Silva, HA Mulder, EF Knol, MS Lopes, SEF Guimarães, PS Lopes, ...
Journal of animal science, 2014
A genome-wide association study reveals a novel candidate gene for sperm motility in pigs
DB Diniz, MS Lopes, M Broekhuijse, PS Lopes, B Harlizius, ...
Animal reproduction science 151 (3), 201-207, 2014
Accuracy of Predicted Genomic Breeding Values in Purebred and Crossbred Pigs
AM Hidalgo, JWM Bastiaansen, MS Lopes, B Harlizius, MAM Groenen, ...
G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics 5 (8), 1575-1583, 2015
Significance testing and genomic inflation factor using high‐density genotypes or whole‐genome sequence data
S van den Berg, J Vandenplas, FA van Eeuwijk, MS Lopes, RF Veerkamp
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 136 (6), 418-429, 2019
Balancing selection on a recessive lethal deletion with pleiotropic effects on two neighboring genes in the porcine genome
MFL Derks, MS Lopes, M Bosse, O Madsen, B Dibbits, B Harlizius, ...
PLoS genetics 14 (9), e1007661, 2018
Improved estimation of inbreeding and kinship in pigs using optimized SNP panels
MS Lopes, FF Silva, B Harlizius, N Duijvesteijn, PS Lopes, ...
BMC genetics 14, 1-11, 2013
Genetic correlations between feed efficiency traits, and growth performance and carcass traits in purebred and crossbred pigs
RM Godinho, R Bergsma, FF Silva, CA Sevillano, EF Knol, MS Lopes, ...
Journal of animal science 96 (3), 817-829, 2018
Using markers with large effect in genetic and genomic predictions
MS Lopes, H Bovenhuis, M van Son, Ø Nordbø, EH Grindflek, EF Knol, ...
Journal of Animal Science 95 (1), 59-71, 2017
Estimation of Additive, Dominance, and Imprinting Genetic Variance Using Genomic Data
MS Lopes, JWM Bastiaansen, L Janss, EF Knol, H Bovenhuis
G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics 5 (12), 2629-2637, 2015
Linkage disequilibrium patterns and persistence of phase in purebred and crossbred pig (Sus scrofa) populations
R Veroneze, JWM Bastiaansen, EF Knol, SEF Guimarães, FF Silva, ...
BMC genetics 15, 1-9, 2014
A systematic survey to identify lethal recessive variation in highly managed pig populations
MFL Derks, HJ Megens, M Bosse, MS Lopes, B Harlizius, MAM Groenen
Bmc Genomics 18, 1-12, 2017
Genetic parameters for semen quality and quantity traits in five pig lines
DBD Marques, MS Lopes, M Broekhuijse, SEF Guimarães, EF Knol, ...
Journal of Animal Science 95 (10), 4251-4259, 2017
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مقاله‌ها 1–20