دنبال کردن
Rachel A. Lerch
Rachel A. Lerch
ایمیل تأیید شده در austin.utexas.edu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Adaptive allocation of human visual working memory capacity during statistical and categorical learning
CJ Bates, RA Lerch, CR Sims, RA Jacobs
Journal of vision 19 (2), 11-11, 2019
Rate-Distortion Theory and Computationally Rational Reinforcement Learning
CRS R. A. Lerch
Proceedings of Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM) 2019, 2019
Exploring the cost function in color perception and memory: An information-theoretic model of categorical effects in color matching
CR Sims, Z Ma, SR Allred, RA Lerch, JI Flombaum
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 38, 2016
Policy generalization in capacity-limited reinforcement learning
RA Lerch, CR Sims
Visual guidance of natural behavior
MM Hayhoe, RA Lerch
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2022
Conceptual knowledge shapes visual working memory for complex visual information
CR Sims, RA Lerch, JA Tarduno, RA Jacobs
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8088, 2022
Decision theory, motor planning, and visual memory: deciding where to reach when memory errors are costly
RA Lerch, CR Sims
Experimental brain research 234, 1589-1597, 2016
Exploring haptic working memory as a capacity-limited information channel
RA Lerch, H Cui, S Patwardhan, Y Visell, CR Sims
Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 2016 IEEE, 113-118, 2016
VisualWorking Memory as Decision Making: Compensation for Memory Uncertainty in Reach Planning
RA Lerch, CR Sims
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2015
Modeling associative motor learning through capacity-limited reinforcement learning
R Lerch, CR Sims
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2782-2782, 2021
Beyond bounded rationality: towards a computationally rational theory of motor control
RA Lerch
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2020
Bayesian hierarchical estimation of visual change detection using Gaussian Markov Random Field priors
RAJ Chris R. Sims, Rachel A. Lerch, John A. Tarduno
MathPsych, 2020
Predicting Human Choice in a Multi-Dimensional N-Armed Bandit Task Using Actor-Critic Feature Reinforcement Learning
TJ Malloy, RA Lerch, Z Fang, CR Sims
A Comparison of Haptic and Visual Memory Suggests Domain General Principles in Perceptual Working Memory
R Lerch, C Sims
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 1066-1066, 2016
A new vocabulary for understanding limits on perception
C Sims, R Lerch
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 1435-1435, 2016
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مقاله‌ها 1–15