Mark Durkin
Mark Durkin
Leeds Trinity University
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Compassion for others, self-compassion, quality of life and mental well-being measures and their association with compassion fatigue and burnout in student midwives: A …
E Beaumont, M Durkin, CJH Martin, J Carson
Midwifery 34, 239-244, 2016
Measuring relationships between self‐compassion, compassion fatigue, burnout and well‐being in student counsellors and student cognitive behavioural psychotherapists: A …
E Beaumont, M Durkin, CJ Hollins Martin, J Carson
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 16 (1), 15-23, 2016
A pilot study exploring the relationship between self-compassion, self-judgement, self-kindness, compassion, professional quality of life and wellbeing among UK community nurses
M Durkin, E Beaumont, CJH Martin, J Carson
Nurse education today 46, 109-114, 2016
Qualities, teaching, and measurement of compassion in nursing: A systematic review
M Durkin, R Gurbutt, J Carson
Nurse education today 63, 50-58, 2018
Using compassion focused therapy as an adjunct to trauma-focused CBT for fire service personnel suffering with trauma-related symptoms
E Beaumont, M Durkin, S McAndrew, CR Martin
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 9, e34, 2016
The effects of compassionate mind training on student psychotherapists
E Beaumont, G Rayner, M Durkin, G Bowling
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 12 (5), 300-312, 2017
The impact of caring for family members with mental illnesses on the caregiver: a scoping review
R Phillips, M Durkin, H Engward, G Cable, M Iancu
Health promotion international 38 (3), daac049, 2023
Stakeholder perspectives of compassion in nursing: The development of the compassion strengths model
M Durkin, R Gurbutt, J Carson
Journal of Advanced Nursing 75 (11), 2910-2922, 2019
Development and validation of a new instrument to measure nursing students compassion strengths: The Bolton Compassion Strengths Indicators
M Durkin, R Gurbutt, J Carson
Nurse Education in Practice 46, 102822, 2020
Effectiveness of an online short compassion strengths course on nursing students compassion: A mixed methods non-randomised pilot study
M Durkin, R Gurbutt, J Carson
Nurse Education Today 111, 105315, 2022
Wellbeing, compassion fatigue and burnout in APs
M Durkin, J Smith, M Powell, J Howarth, J Carson
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants 7 (9), 456-459, 2013
Student life-Be an agent of compassion.
M Durkin
Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain): 1987) 31 (38), 35-35, 2017
Developing Your Compassion Strengths: A Guide for Healthcare Students and Practitioners
M Durkin
Routledge, 2023
Design factors in building a compassion intervention
M Durkin, R Gurbutt, J Carson
INTED2017 Proceedings, 1095-1101, 2017
The COMPASS Model in Criminal and Forensic Psychology
MA Durkin
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2025
Positive Psychology Theory and Practice
MA Durkin
The COMPASS Model in Criminal and Forensic Psychology, 65-82, 2025
Desistance Capital
MA Durkin
The COMPASS Model in Criminal and Forensic Psychology, 83-96, 2025
The Biopsychosocial Reasons for Why People Offend
MA Durkin
The COMPASS Model in Criminal and Forensic Psychology, 9-29, 2025
Assessing the COMPASS Model
MA Durkin
The COMPASS Model in Criminal and Forensic Psychology, 117-133, 2025
Current Models for the Rehabilitation and Prevention of Offending Behaviour
MA Durkin
The COMPASS Model in Criminal and Forensic Psychology, 31-47, 2025
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