Temesgen Enku (PhD)
Temesgen Enku (PhD)
Hydrologist, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Morphological changes of Gumara River channel over 50 years, upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia
M Abate, J Nyssen, TS Steenhuis, MM Moges, SA Tilahun, T Enku, ...
Journal of Hydrology 525, 152-164, 2015
Reference crop evapotranspiration derived from geo-stationary satellite imagery: a case study for the Fogera flood plain, NW-Ethiopia and the Jordan Valley, Jordan
HAR De Bruin, IF Trigo, MA Jitan, N Temesgen Enku, C Van Der Tol, ...
Hydrology and earth system sciences 14 (11), 2219-2228, 2010
A simple temperature method for the estimation of evapotranspiration
T Enku, AM Melesse
Hydrological Processes 28 (6), 2945 - 2960, 2014
Long‐term landscape changes in the Lake Tana Basin as evidenced by delta development and floodplain aggradation in Ethiopia
M Abate, J Nyssen, MM Moges, T Enku, FA Zimale, SA Tilahun, E Adgo, ...
Land Degradation & Development 28 (6), 1820-1830, 2017
"Water Quality Assessment by Measuring and Using Landsat 7 ETM+ Images for the Current and Previous Trend Perspective: Lake Tana Ethiopia"
Mamaru A. Moges, Petra Schmitter, Seifu A. Tilahun, Essays K. Ayana, Atikilt ...
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 9 (No.12), 2017
Biohydrology of low flows in the humid Ethiopian highlands: The Gilgel Abay catchment
T Enku, A Tadesse, D Yilak, A Gessesse, M Addisie, M Abate, F Zimale, ...
Biologia 69 (11), 1502-1509, 2014
Predicting optical water quality indicators from remote sensing using machine learning algorithms in tropical highlands of Ethiopia
ES Leggesse, FA Zimale, D Sultan, T Enku, R Srinivasan, SA Tilahun
Hydrology 10 (5), 110, 2023
Groundwater Evaporation and Recharge for a Floodplain in a Sub‐humid Monsoon Climate in Ethiopia
T Enku, AM Melesse, EK Ayana, SA Tilahun, M Abate, TS Steenhuis
Land Degradation & Development 28 (6), 1831-1841, 2017
Groundwater quality evaluation of the alluvial aquifers using GIS and water quality indices in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
AMM Agumase K.Tefera,Abraham BayehWassie,Berhanu G.Sinshaw, Dessalew T ...
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 14, 2021
Groundwater use of a small Eucalyptus patch during the dry monsoon phase
T Enku, AM Melesse, EK Ayana, SA Tilahun, M Abate, TS Steenhuis
Biologia 75, 853-864, 2020
Assessment of water supply and sanitation in Amhara Region
SA Tilahun, AS Collick, M Ayele
Learning and communication research report, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2012
Evapotranspiration modeling using remote sensing and empirical models in the Fogera floodplain, Ethiopia
T Enku, C van der Tol, ASM Gieske, THM Rientjes
Nile River Basin: hydrology, climate and water use, 163-178, 2011
Reference crop evapotranspiration estimated from geostationary satellite imagery
HAR De Bruin, IF Trigo, P Gavilán Zafra, A Martínez-Cob, ...
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 2012
Estimation of evapotranspiration from satellite remote sensing and meteorological data over the Fogera flood plain - Ethiopia
T Enku
ITC, Netherlands, 2009
Koga irrigation scheme water quality assessment, relation to streamflow and implication on crop yield
DF Densaw, EK Ayana, T Enku
Landscape dynamics, soils and hydrological processes in varied climates, 727-740, 2016
Identification of suitable land for supplemental surface irrigation in semi-arid areas of North-western Ethiopia
AA Adem, M Yibeltal, DA Mhiret, SA Tilahun, FA Zimale, AW Worqlul, ...
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 29, 100899, 2023
Watershed storage dynamics in the Upper Blue Nile Basin: the Anjeni experimental watershed, Ethiopia
T Enku, AM Melesse, EK Ayana, SA Tilahun, G Zeleke, TS Steenhuis
Landscape Dynamics, Soils and Hydrological Processes in Varied Climates, 261-277, 2016
Impact of land use land cover dynamics on stream flow: a case of borkena Watershed, Awash Basin, Ethiopia
MA Abebe, T Enku, SE Ahmed
Advances of Science and Technology: 9th EAI International Conference, ICAST …, 2022
Intricacies of an effective global “rooted” collaboration in soil and water research
TS Steenhuis, SA Tilahun, AS Collick, FA Zimale, CD Guzman, MA Moges, ...
Geoderma 373, 114301, 2020
Human impact on Hydro-geomorphology of Gumara River upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia
M Abate
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