Sorour Darvishi
Sorour Darvishi
Muut nimetS. Darvishi
PhD at EPFL and PostDoc SNSF fellow at University of California, Berkeley
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Advances in the sensing and treatment of wound biofilms
S Darvishi, S Tavakoli, M Kharaziha, HH Girault, CF Kaminski, I Mela
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (13), e202112218, 2022
Ni nanoparticle-decorated reduced graphene oxide for non-enzymatic glucose sensing: An experimental and modeling study
S Darvishi, M Souissi, F Karimzadeh, M Kharaziha, R Sahara, S Ahadian
Electrochimica Acta 240, 388-398, 2017
Electrochemical and in vitro bioactivity of nanocomposite gelatin-forsterite coatings on AISI 316 L stainless steel
R Torkaman, S Darvishi, M Jokar, M Kharaziha, M Karbasi
Progress in Organic Coatings 103, 40-47, 2017
Corrosion and bioactivity evaluation of nanocomposite PCL-forsterite coating applied on 316L stainless steel
M Jokar, S Darvishi, R Torkaman, M Kharaziha, M Karbasi
Surface and Coatings Technology 307, 324-331, 2016
A review: Electrochemical biosensors for oral cancer
YT Lin, S Darvishi, A Preet, TY Huang, SH Lin, HH Girault, L Wang, TE Lin
Chemosensors 8 (3), 54, 2020
Gelatin methacryloyl hydrogel for glucose biosensing using Ni nanoparticles-reduced graphene oxide: An experimental and modeling study
S Darvishi, M Souissi, M Kharaziha, F Karimzadeh, R Sahara, S Ahadian
Electrochimica Acta 261, 275-283, 2018
Fabrication of poly (ethylene glycol) hydrogels containing vertically and horizontally aligned graphene using dielectrophoresis: an experimental and modeling study
S Ahadian, U Naito, VJ Surya, S Darvishi, M Estili, X Liang, K Nakajima, ...
Carbon 123, 460-470, 2017
Tape-stripping electrochemical detection of melanoma
S Darvishi, H Pick, TE Lin, Y Zhu, X Li, PC Ho, HH Girault, A Lesch
Analytical chemistry 91 (20), 12900-12908, 2019
Soft-probe-scanning electrochemical microscopy reveals electrochemical surface reactivity of E. coli biofilms
S Darvishi, H Pick, E Oveisi, HH Girault, A Lesch
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 334, 129669, 2021
AI-assisted fusion of scanning electrochemical microscopy images using novel soft probe
YH Lin, CN Tsai, PF Chen, YT Lin, S Darvishi, HH Girault, TY Lin, MY Liao, ...
ACS Measurement Science Au 2 (6), 576-583, 2022
Communication—Scanning electrochemical microscopy analysis of Interleukin-6 in oral cancer
YT Lin, A Preet, YP Chiu, BS Yip, HH Girault, S Darvishi, L Wang, TE Lin
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 9 (11), 115028, 2020
Graphene‐Based Nanomaterials in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
S Darvishi, S Ahadian, H Savoji
Handbook of Graphene, 637-658, 2019
A facile one-step electrochemical synthesis of nickel nanoparticle/Graphene composites for non-enzymatic biosensor applications
S Darvishi, F Karmizadeh, M Kharaziha
Procedia Materials Science 11, 142-146, 2015
Revealing the effects of three different antimicrobial agents on E. coli biofilms by using Soft-Probe Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
S Darvishi, H Girault
ChemRxiv, 2023
Revealing the Effects of Three Different Antimicrobial Agents on E. coli Biofilms by Using Soft-Probe Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
S Darvishi, H Girault
Applied Nano 4 (3), 260-279, 2023
A Brief Review of In Situ and Operando Electrochemical Analysis of Bacteria by Scanning Probes
TE Lin, S Darvishi
Biosensors, 2023
Preparation and Characterization of PDMS-SiO2-CuO Nanocomposite Coating on Stainless Steel and Its Super-hydrophobicity Property
S Tavakoli Dehaghi, M Kharaziha, S Darvishi, S Nemati
Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal) 37 (3), 1-12, 2022
Electrochemical imaging of metabolic activity in tissue and biofilms
S Darvishi
EPFL, 2022
Ex vivo performance evaluation of a transdermal gold injectable microneedle for tyrosinase sensing
S Darvishi, HH Girault
ChemRxiv, 2021
(Invited) Detection of Cancer Biomarkers By Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
TE Lin, S Darvishi, A Lesch, HH Girault
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 237, 1440-1440, 2020
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