Ryan C. Burner
Ryan C. Burner
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Morphological consequences of climate change for resident birds in intact Amazonian rainforest
V Jirinec, RC Burner, BR Amaral, RO Bierregaard Jr., ...
Science Advances 7 (46), eabk1743, 2021
Near-natural forests harbor richer saproxylic beetle communities than those in intensively managed forests
RM Jacobsen, RC Burner, SL Olsen, O Skarpaas, A Sverdrup-Thygeson
Forest Ecology and Management 466, 118124, 2020
An ornithological survey of Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo
RC Burner, VL Chua, ML Brady, P van Els, POM Steinhoff, MA Rahman, ...
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128 (2), 242-254, 2016
Occupancy patterns and upper range limits of lowland Bornean birds along an elevational gradient
RC Burner, AR Styring, MA Rahman, FH Sheldon
Journal of Biogeography 46, 2583-2596, 2019
Preliminary assessment of community composition and phylogeographic relationships of the birds of the Meratus Mountains, south-east Borneo, Indonesia
SB Shakya, T Haryoko, RC Burner, DM Prawiradilaga, FH Sheldon
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 138 (1), 45-66, 2018
Functional structure of European forest beetle communities is enhanced by rare species
RC Burner, L Drag, JG Stephan, T Birkemoe, R Wetherbee, J Muller, ...
Biological Conservation 267, 109491, 2022
Body size predicts the rate of contemporary morphological change in birds
M Zimova, BC Weeks, DE Willard, ST Giery, V Jirinec, RC Burner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (20), e2206971120, 2023
Flattening the curve: approaching complete sampling for diverse beetle communities
RC Burner, T Birkemoe, J Åström, A Sverdrup-Thygeson
Insect Conservation and Diversity 15, 157-167, 2021
Evolutionary and ecological forces influencing population diversification in Bornean montane passerines
VL Chua, BT Smith, RC Burner, MA Rahman, M Lakim, DM Prawiradilaga, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 113, 139-149, 2017
Choosy beetles: How host trees and southern boreal forest naturalness may determine dead wood beetle communities
RC Burner, T Birkemoe, JG Stephan, L Drag, J Muller, O Ovaskainen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 487, 119023, 2021
Biotic interactions help explain variation in elevational range limits of birds among Bornean mountains
RC Burner, AJ Boyce, D Bernasconi, AR Styring, SB Shakya, C Boer, ...
Journal of Biogeography 47, 760-771, 2020
High resolution 3D forest structure explains ecomorphological trait variation in assemblages of saproxylic beetles
L Drag, RC Burner, JG Stephan, T Birkemoe, I Doerfler, MM Gossner, ...
Functional Ecology 37, 150-161, 2022
Traits mediate niches and co‐occurrences of forest beetles in ways that differ among bioclimatic regions
RC Burner, JG Stephan, L Drag, T Birkemoe, J Muller, T Snall, ...
Journal of Biogeography 48, 3145-3157, 2021
Interpreting wind damage risk–how multifunctional forest management impacts standing timber at risk of wind felling
M Potterf, K Eyvindson, C Blattert, D Burgas, RC Burner, JG Stephan, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 141, 347–361, 2022
Sampling beetle communities: Trap design interacts with weather and species traits to bias capture rates
RC Burner, T Birkemoe, SL Olsen, A Sverdrup‐Thygeson
Ecology and Evolution 10 (24), 14300-14308, 2020
Moth species richness and diversity decline in a 30-year time series in Norway, irrespective of species’ latitudinal range extent and habitat
RC Burner, V Selås, S Kobro, RM Jacobsen, A Sverdrup-Thygeson
Journal of Insect Conservation 25, 887–896, 2021
Veteran trees have divergent effects on beetle diversity and wood decomposition
R Wetherbee, T Birkemoe, RC Burner, A Sverdrup-Thygeson
PLoS ONE 16 (3), e0248756, 2021
Overlap in avian communities produces unimodal richness peaks on Bornean mountains
RC Burner, AR Styring, C Boer, FH Sheldon
Journal of Tropical Ecology 34 (2), 75-92, 2018
Description of two new bird species from the Meratus Mountains of southeast Borneo, Indonesia
M Irham, T Haryoko, S Shakya, S Mitchell, RC Burner, C Bocos, J Eaton, ...
Journal of Ornithology 163, 575–588, 2022
Ornithological observations from Maratua and Bawean Islands, Indonesia
RC Burner, SB Shakya, T Haryoko, M Irham, DM Prawiradilaga, ...
Treubia 45, 11-24, 2018
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