Arpad Dobolyi
Arpad Dobolyi
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
The neuroprotective functions of transforming growth factor beta proteins
A Dobolyi, C Vincze, G Pál, G Lovas
International journal of molecular sciences 13 (7), 8219-8258, 2012
Exercise and probiotics attenuate the development of Alzheimer's disease in transgenic mice: role of microbiome
D Abraham, J Feher, GL Scuderi, D Szabo, A Dobolyi, M Cservenak, ...
Experimental gerontology 115, 122-131, 2019
Astrocytes convert network excitation to tonic inhibition of neurons
L Héja, G Nyitrai, O Kékesi, Á Dobolyi, P Szabó, R Fiáth, I Ulbert, ...
BMC biology 10, 1-21, 2012
Glutamate uptake triggers transporter-mediated GABA release from astrocytes
L Héja, P Barabás, G Nyitrai, KA Kékesi, B Lasztóczi, O Tőke, G Tárkányi, ...
PloS one 4 (9), e7153, 2009
Uridine function in the central nervous system
A Dobolyi, G Juhász, Z Kovács, J Kardos
Current topics in medicinal chemistry 11 (8), 1058-1067, 2011
Calcitonin gene‐related peptide‐containing pathways in the rat forebrain
A Dobolyi, S Irwin, G Makara, TB Usdin, M Palkovits
Journal of Comparative Neurology 489 (1), 92-119, 2005
Extensive astrocyte synchronization advances neuronal coupling in slow wave activity in vivo
Z Szabó, L Héja, G Szalay, O Kékesi, A Füredi, K Szebényi, Á Dobolyi, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 6018, 2017
Anatomical and physiological evidence for involvement of tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues in nociception
A Dobolyi, H Ueda, H Uchida, M Palkovits, TB Usdin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (3), 1651-1656, 2002
Central amylin expression and its induction in rat dams
A Dobolyi
Journal of neurochemistry 111 (6), 1490-1500, 2009
A secretagogin locus of the mammalian hypothalamus controls stress hormone release
RA Romanov, A Alpár, MD Zhang, A Zeisel, A Calas, M Landry, ...
The EMBO journal 34 (1), 36-54, 2015
Synaptic mitochondria: a brain mitochondria cluster with a specific proteome
K Völgyi, P Gulyássy, K Háden, V Kis, KA Kékesi, A Simor, B Györffy, ...
Journal of proteomics 120, 142-157, 2015
Tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues is activated during lactation and participates in the suckling-induced prolactin release in rat
M Cservenák, I Bodnár, TB Usdin, M Palkovits, GM Nagy, A Dobolyi
Endocrinology 151 (12), 5830-5840, 2010
Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor and its endogenous ligand tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues are concentrated in endocrine, viscerosensory and auditory brain regions in …
AG Bagó, E Dimitrov, R Saunders, L Seress, M Palkovits, TB Usdin, ...
Neuroscience 162 (1), 128-147, 2009
The TIP39–PTH2 receptor system: unique peptidergic cell groups in the brainstem and their interactions with central regulatory mechanisms
A Dobolyi, M Palkovits, TB Usdin
Progress in neurobiology 90 (1), 29-59, 2010
Expression and distribution of tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues in the rat central nervous system
A Dobolyi, M Palkovits, TB Usdin
Journal of Comparative Neurology 455 (4), 547-566, 2003
Preoptic inputs and mechanisms that regulate maternal responsiveness
A Dobolyi, DR Grattan, DS Stolzenberg
Journal of neuroendocrinology 26 (10), 627-640, 2014
The neuroendocrine functions of the parathyroid hormone 2 receptor
A Dobolyi, E Dimitrov, M Palkovits, TB Usdin
Frontiers in endocrinology 3, 121, 2012
Thalamic neuropeptide mediating the effects of nursing on lactation and maternal motivation
M Cservenák, ÉR Szabó, I Bodnár, A Lékó, M Palkovits, GM Nagy, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 38 (12), 3070-3084, 2013
Secretion and function of pituitary prolactin in evolutionary perspective
A Dobolyi, S Oláh, D Keller, R Kumari, EA Fazekas, V Csikós, É Renner, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 621, 2020
Lipopolysaccharide induced increase in seizure activity in two animal models of absence epilepsy WAG/Rij and GAERS rats and Long Evans rats
Z Kovács, Á Dobolyi, G Juhász, KA Kékesi
Brain research bulletin 104, 7-18, 2014
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