Alireza Sanaei
Alireza Sanaei
Reservoir Engineer at ExxonMobil
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Investigation of modified Water chemistry for improved oil recovery: Application of DLVO theory and surface complexation model
A Sanaei, S Tavassoli, K Sepehrnoori
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 131-145, 2019
Enhanced Gas Recovery by CO2 Sequestration versus Re-fracturing Treatment in Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs
MO Eshkalak, EW Al-Shalabi, A Sanaei, U Aybar, K Sepehrnoori
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D011S002R003, 2014
Simulation study on the CO2-driven enhanced gas recovery with sequestration versus the re-fracturing treatment of horizontal wells in the US unconventional shale reservoirs
MO Eshkalak, EW Al-Shalabi, A Sanaei, U Aybar, K Sepehrnoori
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 21, 1015-1024, 2014
Effect of pore size distribution and connectivity on phase behavior and gas condensate production from unconventional resources
A Sanaei, A Jamili, J Callard
SPE Unconventional Resources Conference/Gas Technology Symposium, D031S005R005, 2014
Improvements on modelling wettability alteration by Engineered water injection: Surface complexation at the oil/brine/rock contact
F Bordeaux-Rego, M Mehrabi, A Sanaei, K Sepehrnoori
Fuel 284, 118991, 2021
Mechanistic Modeling of Clay Swelling in Hydraulic-Fractures Network
A Sanaei, M Shakiba, A Varavei, K Sepehrnoori
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2017
Geochemical modeling of wormhole propagation in carbonate acidizing considering mineralogy heterogeneity
W Wei, A Varavei, A Sanaei, K Sepehrnoori
SPE Journal 24 (05), 2163-2181, 2019
Comprehensive study of gas cycling in the Bakken shale
A Sanaei, A Abouie, M Tagavifar, K Sepehrnoori
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 23-25 July …, 2018
A neural network model and an updated correlation for estimation of dead crude oil viscosity
A Naseri, SH Yousefi, A Sanaei, AA Gharesheikhlou
Brazilian journal of petroleum and gas 6 (1), 2012
Mechanistic modeling of carbonated waterflooding
A Sanaei, A Varavei, K Sepehrnoori
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178, 863-877, 2019
Production modeling in the Eagle Ford gas condensate window: integrating new relationships between core permeability, pore size, and confined PVT properties
A Sanaei, A Jamili, J Callard, A Mathur
SPE Western Regional Meeting, SPE-169493-MS, 2014
Mechanistic Modeling of Modified Salinity Waterflooding in Carbonate Reservoirs
A Kazemi Nia Korrani, W Fu, A Sanaei, K Sepehrnoori
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2015
Selection of the best efficient method for natural gas storage at high capacities using TOPSIS method
E Khamehchi, SH Yousefi, A Sanaei
GAS PROCESSING 1 (1), 9-18, 2013
Nanopore confinement and pore connectivity considerations in modeling unconventional resources
A Sanaei, Y Ma, A Jamili
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141 (1), 012904, 2019
Implication of oil/brine/rock surface interactions in modeling modified salinity waterflooding in carbonate and sandstone reservoirs
A Sanaei, K Sepehrnoori
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D031S031R002, 2018
Optimum Fracture Spacing in the Eagle Ford Gas Condensate Window
A Sanaei, A Jamili
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2014
Experimental and numerical investigation of mutual solvents for EOR applications
A AlZayer, A Sanaei, K Mohanty, K Sepehrnoori
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 177, 224-235, 2019
Effects of non-Darcy flow and pore proximity on gas condensate production from nanopore unconventional resources
A Sanaei, A Jamili, J Callard
Compositional Reactive-Transport Modeling of Engineered Waterflooding
A Sanaei
The University of Texas at Austin, 2019
Major obstacles in production from hydraulically re-fractured shale formations: reservoir pressure depletion and pore blockage by the fracturing fluid
M Haddad, A Sanaei, EW Al-Shalabi, K Sepehrnoori
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, URTEC-2154393-MS, 2015
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