NS Weston
NS Weston
The Henry Royce Institute
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Spark plasma sintering of commercial and development titanium alloy powders
NS Weston, F Derguti, A Tudball, M Jackson
Journal of Materials Science 50, 4860-4878, 2015
FAST-forge− A new cost-effective hybrid processing route for consolidating titanium powder into near net shape forged components
NS Weston, M Jackson
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 243, 335-346, 2017
Processing metal powders via field assisted sintering technology (FAST): a critical review
NS Weston, B Thomas, M Jackson
Materials Science and Technology 35 (11), 1306-1328, 2019
Thermomechanical processing of a high strength metastable beta titanium alloy powder, consolidated using the low-cost FAST-forge process
E Calvert, B Wynne, N Weston, A Tudball, M Jackson
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 254, 158-170, 2018
FAST-forge of Titanium Alloy Swarf: A Solid-State Closed-Loop Recycling Approach for Aerospace Machining Waste
NS Weston, M Jackson
Metals 10 (2), 296, 2020
FAST-DB: a novel solid-state approach for diffusion bonding dissimilar titanium alloy powders for next generation critical components
JJ Pope, EL Calvert, NS Weston, M Jackson
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 269, 200-207, 2019
The influence of machining induced surface integrity and residual stress on the fatigue performance of Ti-6Al-4V following polycrystalline diamond and coated cemented carbide …
T Childerhouse, R M’Saoubi, L Franca, N Weston, P Crawforth, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 163, 107054, 2022
A parametric study of the microstructural evolution of an advanced Ni-based superalloy powder when consolidated using Field Assisted Sintering Technology, compared to a hot …
K Marshall, P Schillinger, NS Weston, M Epler, M Jackson
Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 5, 100103, 2022
FAST-forge of novel Ti-6Al-4V/Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo bonded, near net shape forgings from surplus AM powder
O Levano, N Weston, J Pope, A Tudball, D Lunn, G Baxter, M Jackson
MATEC Web of Conferences 321, 03010, 2020
Exploitation of field assisted sintering technology (FAST) for titanium alloys
NS Weston, B Thomas, M Jackson
Proceedings of The 14th World Conference on Titanium, 02006, 2020
On a testing methodology for the mechanical property assessment of a new low-cost titanium alloy derived from synthetic rutile
LL Benson, LA Benson Marshall, NS Weston, I Mellor, M Jackson
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 5228-5232, 2017
A novel solid-state processing route to generate cost-effective titanium alloy components
N Weston
University of Sheffield, 2017
Exploitation of Spark Plasma Sintering and One‐Step Forging for Cost‐Effective Processing of Titanium Alloy Powders
NS Weston, F Derguti, M Jackson
Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium, 123, 2016
Assessing the mechanical properties of out-of-specification additive manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V powder recycled through field-assisted sintering technology (FAST)
NS Weston, D Premoli, T Childerhouse, OL Blanch, M Jackson
Powder Metallurgy 67 (1), 70-85, 2024
A comparative study of microstructure and texture evolution in low cost titanium alloy swarf and powder recycled via FAST and HIP
S Lister, O Levano Blanch, B Fernández Silva, N Weston, M Jackson
Materials Science and Technology, 02670836241277060, 2024
FAST STEP 3: Field Assisted Sintering Technology for Swarf Titanium to Engine Parts in 3 steps
NS Weston, M Jackson
European Powder Metallurgy Association EuroPM2021, 2021
Development of titanium alloy powders produced via the metalysis process
I Marshall, L.B., Benson, L.L., Weston, N.S., Repper, S.E., Jackson, M., Mellor
International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2017, 2017
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