Gonzalo Moratorio
Gonzalo Moratorio
Assoc Profesor UdelaR/Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Hepatitis C virus genetic variability and evolution
N Echeverría, G Moratorio, J Cristina, P Moreno
World journal of hepatology 7 (6), 831, 2015
Whole-genome sequencing analysis from the chikungunya virus Caribbean outbreak reveals novel evolutionary genomic elements
KA Stapleford, G Moratorio, R Henningsson, R Chen, S Matheus, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10 (1), e0004402, 2016
Interferon-induced spermidine-spermine acetyltransferase and polyamine depletion restrict Zika and chikungunya viruses
BC Mounce, EZ Poirier, G Passoni, E Simon-Loriere, T Cesaro, M Prot, ...
Cell host & microbe 20 (2), 167-177, 2016
Group selection and contribution of minority variants during virus adaptation determines virus fitness and phenotype
AV Bordería, O Isakov, G Moratorio, R Henningsson, S Agüera-González, ...
PLoS pathogens 11 (5), e1004838, 2015
Phylogenetic analysis of bovine leukemia viruses isolated in South America reveals diversification in seven distinct genotypes
G Moratorio, G Obal, A Dubra, A Correa, S Bianchi, A Buschiazzo, ...
Archives of virology 155, 481-489, 2010
Usutu virus: an arbovirus on the rise
F Roesch, A Fajardo, G Moratorio, M Vignuzzi
Viruses 11 (7), 640, 2019
Inhibition of polyamine biosynthesis is a broad-spectrum strategy against RNA viruses
BC Mounce, T Cesaro, G Moratorio, PJ Hooikaas, A Yakovleva, ...
Journal of virology 90 (21), 9683-9692, 2016
Genome-wide analysis of codon usage bias in Ebolavirus
J Cristina, P Moreno, G Moratorio, H Musto
Virus research 196, 87-93, 2015
Attenuation of RNA viruses by redirecting their evolution in sequence space
G Moratorio, R Henningsson, C Barbezange, L Carrau, AV Bordería, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (8), 1-12, 2017
A detailed comparative analysis on the overall codon usage patterns in West Nile virus
G Moratorio, A Iriarte, P Moreno, H Musto, J Cristina
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 14, 396-400, 2013
Low-fidelity polymerases of alphaviruses recombine at higher rates to overproduce defective interfering particles
EZ Poirier, BC Mounce, K Rozen-Gagnon, PJ Hooikaas, KA Stapleford, ...
Journal of virology 90 (5), 2446-2454, 2016
A detailed molecular analysis of complete bovine leukemia virus genomes isolated from B-cell lymphosarcomas
G Moratorio, S Fischer, S Bianchi, L Tomé, G Rama, G Obal, F Carrión, ...
Veterinary research 44, 1-11, 2013
Pandemic influenza A virus codon usage revisited: biases, adaptation and implications for vaccine strain development
N Goñi, A Iriarte, V Comas, M Soñora, P Moreno, G Moratorio, H Musto, ...
Virology Journal 9, 1-8, 2012
Bayesian coalescent inference of hepatitis A virus populations: evolutionary rates and patterns
G Moratorio, M Costa-Mattioli, R Piovani, H Romero, H Musto, J Cristina
Journal of general virology 88 (11), 3039-3042, 2007
A detailed comparative analysis of codon usage bias in Zika virus
J Cristina, A Fajardo, M Soñora, G Moratorio, H Musto
Virus Research 223, 147-152, 2016
Evidence of recombination in Hepatitis C Virus populations infecting a hemophiliac patient
P Moreno, M Alvarez, L López, G Moratorio, D Casane, M Castells, ...
Virology Journal 6, 1-9, 2009
Evolutionary and structural overview of human picornavirus capsid antibody evasion
JO Cifuente, G Moratorio
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 9, 283, 2019
Design of a genetically stable high fidelity coxsackievirus B3 polymerase that attenuates virus growth in vivo
S McDonald, A Block, S Beaucourt, G Moratorio, M Vignuzzi, OB Peersen
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291 (27), 13999-14011, 2016
Human endogenous retrovirus np9 gene is over expressed in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients
S Fischer, N Echeverría, G Moratorio, AI Landoni, G Dighiero, J Cristina, ...
Leukemia research reports 3 (2), 70-72, 2014
Hepatitis C virus genetic variability in patients undergoing antiviral therapy
J Cristina, M del Pilar Moreno, G Moratorio
Virus research 127 (2), 185-194, 2007
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