Bioinstrumentation and Clinical Engineering Research Group - GIBIC, Bioengineering Department
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Multifunctional magnetite nanoparticles to enable delivery of siRNA for the potential treatment of Alzheimer’s
N Lopez-Barbosa, JG Garcia, J Cifuentes, LM Castro, F Vargas, C Ostos, ...
Drug Delivery 27 (1), 864-875, 2020
Test and fabrication of piezoresistive sensors for contact pressure measurement
DA Valle-Lopera, AF Castaño-Franco, J Gallego-Londoño, ...
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 47-52, 2017
Learning respiratory system function in BME studies by means of a virtual laboratory: RespiLab
AM Hernandez, MA Mañanas, R Costa-Castelló
IEEE Transactions on Education 51 (1), 24-34, 2008
An instrumented glove to assess manual dexterity in simulation-based neurosurgical education
JD Lemos, AM Hernandez, G Soto-Romero
Sensors 17 (5), 988, 2017
An improved dynamic model for the respiratory response to exercise
LY Serna, MA Mañanas, AM Hernández, RA Rabinovich
Frontiers in physiology 9, 69, 2018
Economic and environmental impact of digital health app video consultations in follow-up care for patients in orthopedic and trauma surgery in Germany: randomized controlled trial
J Muschol, M Heinrich, C Heiss, AM Hernandez, G Knapp, H Repp, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (11), e42839, 2022
Development of a wearable vital signs monitor for healthcare
J Gallego, D Lemos, GA Meneses, AM Hernandez
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
An integrated mathematical model of the cardiovascular and respiratory response to exercise: model-building and comparison with reported models
CA Sarmiento, AM Hernández, LY Serna, MÁ Mañanas
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 320 (4 …, 2021
Precuneus failures in subjects of the PSEN1 E280A family at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease detected using quantitative electroencephalography
JF Ochoa, JF Alonso, JE Duque, CA Tobón, A Baena, F Lopera, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 58 (4), 1229-1244, 2017
Successful object encoding induces increased directed connectivity in presymptomatic early-onset Alzheimer’s disease
JF Ochoa, JF Alonso, JE Duque, CA Tobón, MA Mañanas, F Lopera, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 55 (3), 1195-1205, 2017
Computational tool for modeling and simulation of mechanically ventilated patients
LY Serna, AM Hernandez, MA Mañanas
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Assessment of artifacts reduction and denoising techniques in Electrocardiographic signals using Ensemble Average-based method
FA Castano, AM Hernández, G Soto-Romero
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 182, 105034, 2019
The effect of prosthetic alignment on the stump temperature and ground reaction forces during gait in transfemoral amputees
AM Cárdenas, J Uribe, JM Font-Llagunes, AM Hernández, JA Plata
Gait & Posture 95, 76-83, 2022
Quantitative EEG analysis disease during resting and memory task in carriers and non-carriers of PS-1 E280A mutation of familial Alzheimer's
JE Duque-Grajales, C Tobon, CP Aponte-Restrepo, JF Ochoa-Gómez, ...
CES Medicina 28 (2), 165-176, 2014
Diseño de un dispositivo portátil e inalámbrico para el monitoreo ambulatorio de la presión arterial no invasiva
J Gallego Londoño, JD Lemos Duque, AM Hernández Valdivieso
Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, 2010
Potential clinical application of surface electromyography as indicator of neuromuscular recovery during weaning tests after organophosphate poisoning
MBS Sánchez, AMH Valdivieso, MÁM Villanueva, AFZ Salazar
Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva 29, 253-258, 2017
Optimization techniques in respiratory control system models
LY Serna, MÁ Mañanas, J Marín, AM Hernández, S Benito
Applied Soft Computing 48, 431-443, 2016
Analysis of respiratory models at different levels of exercise, hypercapnia and hypoxia
MA Mananas, AM Hernandez, S Romero, R Grino, R Rabinovich, ...
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Population pharmacokinetic models of antituberculosis drugs in patients: A systematic critical review
JD Otalvaro, AM Hernandez, CA Rodriguez, AF Zuluaga
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 43 (1), 108-115, 2021
Cambios en la mecánica ventilatoria debidos a variaciones de la PEEP y la presión soporte: estudio en sujetos sanos bajo ventilación mecánica no invasiva
IC Muñoz, AM Hernández
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina 65 (2), 321-328, 2017
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