Mark T. Buntaine
Mark T. Buntaine
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Non‐Governmental Monitoring of Local Governments Increases Compliance with Central Mandates: A National‐Scale Field Experiment in China
SE Anderson, MT Buntaine, M Liu, B Zhang
American Journal of Political Science 63 (3), 626-643, 2019
Voter information campaigns and political accountability: Cumulative findings from a preregistered meta-analysis of coordinated trials
T Dunning, G Grossman, M Humphreys, SD Hyde, C McIntosh, G Nellis, ...
Science advances 5 (7), eaaw2612, 2019
Titling community land to prevent deforestation: An evaluation of a best-case program in Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
MT Buntaine, SE Hamilton, M Millones
Global Environmental Change 33, 32-43, 2015
Does the squeaky wheel get more grease? The direct and indirect effects of citizen participation on environmental governance in China
MT Buntaine, M Greenstone, G He, M Liu, S Wang, B Zhang
American Economic Review 114 (3), 815-850, 2024
Aiming at the wrong targets: the domestic consequences of international efforts to build institutions
MT Buntaine, BC Parks, BP Buch
International Studies Quarterly 61 (2), 471-488, 2017
Human use and conservation planning in Alpine areas of Northwestern Yunnan, China
MT Buntaine, RB Mullen, JP Lassoie
Environment, Development and Sustainability 9 (3), 305-324, 2007
Adoption of community monitoring improves common pool resource management across contexts
T Slough, D Rubenson, R Levy, F Alpizar Rodriguez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (29), e2015367118, 2021
Encouraging clean energy investment in developing countries: what role for aid?
MT Buntaine, WA Pizer
Climate Policy 15 (5), 543-564, 2015
Accountability in global governance: civil society claims for environmental performance at the World Bank
MT Buntaine
International Studies Quarterly 59 (1), 99-111, 2015
When Do Environmentally Focused Assistance Projects Achieve their Objectives? Evidence from World Bank Post-Project Evaluations
MT Buntaine, BC Parks
Global Environmental Politics 13 (2), 65-88, 2013
The challenges of using citizen reporting to improve public services: A field experiment on solid waste services in Uganda
MT Buntaine, P Hunnicutt, P Komakech
Journal of public administration research and theory 31 (1), 108-127, 2021
SMS texts on corruption help Ugandan voters hold elected councillors accountable at the polls
MT Buntaine, R Jablonski, DL Nielson, PM Pickering
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (26), 6668-6673, 2018
Does the Asian Development Bank Respond to Past Environmental Performance when Allocating Environmentally Risky Financing?
MT Buntaine
World Development 39 (3), 336-350, 2011
Giving aid effectively: The politics of environmental performance and selectivity at multilateral development banks
MT Buntaine
Oxford University Press, 2016
Citizen monitoring of waterways decreases pollution in China by supporting government action and oversight
MT Buntaine, B Zhang, P Hunnicutt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (29), e2015175118, 2021
Can information outreach increase participation in community-driven development? A field experiment near Bwindi National Park, Uganda
MT Buntaine, B Daniels, C Devlin
World Development 106, 407-421, 2018
Preferences for Domestic Action Over International Transfers in Global Climate Policy
MT Buntaine, L Prather
Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2018
Escaping the disengagement dilemma: Two field experiments on motivating citizens to report on public services
MT Buntaine, DL Nielson, JT Skaggs
British Journal of Political Science 51 (2), 685-705, 2021
Combining bottom-up monitoring and top-down accountability: A field experiment on managing corruption in Uganda
MT Buntaine, B Daniels
Research & Politics 7 (3), 2053168020934350, 2020
Testing transparency
B Daniels, M Buntaine, T Bangerter
Nw. UL Rev. 114, 1263, 2019
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