Diana Omigie
Diana Omigie
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Electrophysiological correlates of melodic processing in congenital amusia
D Omigie, MT Pearce, VJ Williamson, L Stewart
Neuropsychologia 51 (9), 1749-1762, 2013
Tracking of pitch probabilities in congenital amusia
D Omigie, MT Pearce, L Stewart
Neuropsychologia 50 (7), 1483-1493, 2012
Destination memory and familiarity: Better memory for conversations with Elvis Presley than with unknown people
M El Haj, D Omigie, S Samson
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 27, 337-344, 2015
Atonal music: can uncertainty lead to pleasure?
I Mencke, D Omigie, M Wald-Fuhrmann, E Brattico
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 979, 2019
The Aesthetic Responsiveness Assessment (AReA): A screening tool to assess individual differences in responsiveness to art in English and German.
W Schlotz, S Wallot, D Omigie, MD Masucci, SC Hoelzmann, EA Vessel
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 15 (4), 682, 2021
To what extent does destination recall induce episodic reliving? Evidence from Alzheimer’s disease
M El Haj, C Moroni, M Luyat, D Omigie, P Allain
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 36 (2), 127-136, 2014
Preserved statistical learning of tonal and linguistic material in congenital amusia
D Omigie, L Stewart
Frontiers in Psychology 2, 109, 2011
The experience of music in congenital amusia
D Omigie, D Müllensiefen, L Stewart
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 30 (1), 1-18, 2012
An intracranial EEG study of the neural dynamics of musical valence processing
D Omigie, D Dellacherie, D Hasboun, N George, S Clement, M Baulac, ...
Cerebral Cortex 25 (11), 4038-4047, 2015
Pupil responses to pitch deviants reflect predictability of melodic sequences
R Bianco, LE Ptasczynski, D Omigie
Brain and Cognition 138, 103621, 2020
Intracranial recordings and computational modeling of music reveal the time course of prediction error signaling in frontal and temporal cortices
D Omigie, M Pearce, K Lehongre, D Hasboun, V Navarro, C Adam, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 31 (6), 855-873, 2019
Exploring the musical taste of expert listeners: musicology students reveal tendency toward omnivorous taste
P Elvers, D Omigie, W Fuhrmann, T Fischinger
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1252, 2015
Autobiographical recall triggers visual exploration
M El Haj, C Delerue, D Omigie, P Antoine, JL Nandrino, M Boucart
Personalized translational epilepsy research—Novel approaches and future perspectives: Part I: Clinical and network analysis approaches
F Rosenow, N van Alphen, A Becker, A Chiocchetti, R Deichmann, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 76, 13-18, 2017
Time reproduction during high and low attentional tasks in Alzheimer’s Disease “A watched kettle never boils”
M El Haj, D Omigie, C Moroni
Brain and cognition 88, 1-5, 2014
A protective effect of musical expertise on cognitive outcome following brain damage?
D Omigie, S Samson
Neuropsychology review 24, 445-460, 2014
Psychophysical evidence for a non-linear representation of facial identity
SC Dakin, D Omigie
Vision research 49 (18), 2285-2296, 2009
Locus of emotion influences psychophysiological reactions to music
J Merrill, D Omigie, M Wald-Fuhrmann
Plos one 15 (8), e0237641, 2020
Experiencing musical beauty: Emotional subtypes and their physiological and musico-acoustic correlates.
D Omigie, K Frieler, C Bär, R Muralikrishnan, M Wald-Fuhrmann, ...
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 15 (2), 197, 2021
Basic, specific, mechanistic? Conceptualizing musical emotions in the brain
D Omigie
Journal of Comparative Neurology 524 (8), 1676-1686, 2016
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