Bahram Ranjkesh
Bahram Ranjkesh
Assistant professor
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Effect of pH on sealing ability of white mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling material
MA Saghiri, M Lotfi, AM Saghiri, S Vosoughhosseini, A Fatemi, ...
Journal of Endodontics 34 (10), 1226-1229, 2008
Antimicrobial efficacy of nanosilver, sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine gluconate against Enterococcus faecalis
M Lotfi, S Vosoughhosseini, B Ranjkesh, S Khani, M Saghiri, V Zand
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (35), 6799-6803, 2011
Influence of white versus gray mineral trioxide aggregate on inflammatory cells
S Vosoughhosseini, M Lotfi, S Shahi, H Baloo, M Mesgariabbasi, ...
Journal of endodontics 34 (6), 715-717, 2008
Scanning electron micrograph and surface hardness of mineral trioxide aggregate in the presence of alkaline pH
MA Saghiri, M Lotfi, AM Saghiri, S Vosoughhosseini, M Aeinehchi, ...
Journal of Endodontics 35 (5), 706-710, 2009
Microleakage comparison of glass-ionomer and white mineral trioxide aggregate used as a coronal barrier in nonvital bleaching
M Lotfi, S Vosoughhosseini, K Shahmoradi, M Saghiri, V Zand, ...
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 16, 1017-21, 2011
A review on root anatomy and canal configuration of the maxillary second molars
N Ghasemi, S Rahimi, S Shahi, M Samiei, MF Reyhani, B Ranjkesh
Iranian endodontic journal 12 (1), 1, 2017
Effect of MTAD as a final rinse on removal of smear layer in ten-minute preparation time
M Lotfi, S Vosoughhosseini, MA Saghiri, V Zand, B Ranjkesh, N Ghasemi
Journal of endodontics 38 (10), 1391-1394, 2012
Effect of white mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with disodium hydrogen phosphate on inflammatory cells
M Lotfi, S Vosoughhosseini, MA Saghiri, M Mesgariabbasi, B Ranjkesh
Journal of endodontics 35 (5), 703-705, 2009
Prevalence of extra roots in permanent mandibular first molars in Iranian population: a CBCT analysis
S Rahimi, H Mokhtari, B Ranjkesh, M Johari, MF Reyhani, S Shahi, ...
Iranian endodontic journal 12 (1), 70, 2017
Survival of composite resin restorations of severely decayed primary anterior teeth retained by glass fiber posts or reversed-orientated metal posts
A Vafaei, B Ranjkesh, H Lovschall, L Erfanparast, MA Jafarabadi, ...
International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry 9 (2), 109, 2016
In vitro cytotoxic evaluation of novel fast-setting calcium silicate cement compositions and dental materials using colorimetric methyl-thiazolyl-tetrazolium assay
B Ranjkesh, F Isidor, DCE Kraft, H Løvschall
Journal of oral science 60 (1), 82-88, 2018
Apatite precipitation on a novel fast-setting calcium silicate cement containing fluoride
B Ranjkesh, J Chevallier, H Salehi, F Cuisinier, F Isidor, H Løvschall
Acta Biomaterialia Odontologica Scandinavica 2 (1), 68-78, 2016
A mandibular second premolar with three canals and atypical orifices
M Lotfi, S Vosoughhosseini, V Zand, A Fatemi, V Shyezadeh, B Ranjkesh
Journal of oral science 50 (3), 363-366, 2008
Impact of self-concept on preschoolers’ dental anxiety and behavior
L Erfanparast, A Vafaei, A Sohrabi, B Ranjkesh, Z Bahadori, ...
Journal of dental research, dental clinics, dental prospects 9 (3), 188, 2015
Diametral tensile strength of novel fast-setting calcium silicate cement
B Ranjkesh, F Isidor, M Dalstra, H Løvschall
Dental Materials Journal 35 (4), 559-563, 2016
Children’s pain perception and behavioral feedback during local anesthetic injection with four injection site preparation methods
A Vafaei, M Rahbar, R Dadkhah, B Ranjkesh, L Erfanparast
Maedica 14 (4), 343, 2019
Delayed replantation of an avulsed immature permanent incisor and apexification using a novel fast-setting calcium silicate cement containing fluoride: a 3-year follow-up case …
A Vafaei, B Ranjkesh, L Erfanparast, H Løvschall
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 19, 113-116, 2018
Marginal and internal fit of crowns based on additive or subtractive manufacturing
Y Haddadi, B Ranjkesh, F Isidor, G Bahrami
Biomaterial investigations in dentistry 8 (1), 87-91, 2021
Effect of alkaline ph on sealing ability of white mineral trioxide aggregate
M Lotfi, S Vosoughhosseini, M Saghiri, V Zand, HR Yavari, S Kimyai, ...
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 16 (7), e1014-6, 2011
Direct pulp capping of primary molars using a novel fast-setting calcium silicate cement: a randomized clinical trial with 12-month follow-up
A Vafaei, N Azima, L Erfanparast, H Løvschall, B Ranjkesh
Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry 6 (1), 73-80, 2019
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