Tatiane Combi
Tatiane Combi
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Mysterious oil spill along Brazil's northeast and southeast seaboard (2019–2020): Trying to find answers and filling data gaps
RA Lourenço, T Combi, M da Rosa Alexandre, ST Sasaki, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 156, 111219, 2020
Multi-molecular markers and metals as tracers of organic matter inputs and contamination status from an Environmental Protection Area in the SW Atlantic (Laranjeiras Bay, Brazil)
CC Martins, MC Bícego, RCL Figueira, JLF Angelli, T Combi, WC Gallice, ...
Science of the Total Environment 417, 158-168, 2012
Distribution and fate of legacy and emerging contaminants along the Adriatic Sea: a comparative study
T Combi, MG Pintado-Herrera, PA Lara-Martin, S Miserocchi, L Langone, ...
Environmental Pollution 218, 1055-1064, 2016
Organic contamination of beached plastic pellets in the South Atlantic: Risk assessments can benefit by considering spatial gradients
D Gorman, FT Moreira, A Turra, FR Fontenelle, T Combi, MC Bícego, ...
Chemosphere 223, 608-615, 2019
Spatial distribution and historical input of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in sediments from a subtropical estuary (Guaratuba Bay, SW …
T Combi, S Taniguchi, RCL Figueira, MM de Mahiques, CC Martins
Marine Pollution Bulletin 70 (1-2), 247-252, 2013
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediments from the western Adriatic Sea: Sources, historical trends and inventories
T Combi, S Miserocchi, L Langone, R Guerra
Science of the Total Environment 562, 580-587, 2016
Occurrence and spatial distribution of legacy and emerging organic pollutants in marine sediments from the Atlantic coast (Andalusia, SW Spain)
MG Pintado-Herrera, T Combi, C Corada-Fernández, E González-Mazo, ...
Science of the Total Environment 605, 980-994, 2017
Historical sedimentary deposition and flux of PAHs, PCBs and DDTs in sediment cores from the western Adriatic Sea
T Combi, MG Pintado-Herrera, PA Lara-Martín, M Lopes-Rocha, ...
Chemosphere 241, 125029, 2020
Sources and temporal patterns of polychlorinated biphenyls around a large South American grain-shipping port (Paranaguá Estuarine System, Brazil)
T Combi, S Taniguchi, PA de Lima Ferreira, AV Mansur, RCL Figueira, ...
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 64, 573-582, 2013
Depositional history and inventories of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediment cores from an Antarctic Specially Managed Area (Admiralty Bay, King George Island)
T Combi, CC Martins, S Taniguchi, J Leonel, RA Lourenço, RC Montone
Marine Pollution Bulletin 118 (1-2), 447-451, 2017
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and personal care products (PCPs) in the surface sediments of a large tropical bay (Todos os Santos Bay, Brazil)
BMTS Neto, T Combi, S Taniguchi, ACR Albergaria-Barbosa, RB Ramos, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 161, 111818, 2020
One century of historical deposition and flux of hydrocarbons in a sediment core from a South Atlantic RAMSAR subtropical estuary
M Sutilli, T Combi, MRD Garcia, CC Martins
Science of The Total Environment 706, 136017, 2020
Occurrence of halogenated organic contaminants in estuarine sediments from a biosphere reserve in Southern Atlantic
AC Souza, T Combi, J da Silva, CC Martins
Marine Pollution Bulletin 133, 436-441, 2018
Metals impact into the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (Brazil) during the exceptional flood of 2011
ML Rocha, F Sa, MS Campos, MT Grassi, T Combi, EC Machado
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 65, 54-68, 2017
Persistent organic pollutants and contaminants of emerging concern in spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) from the Western Atlantic Ocean
T Combi, RC Montone, C Corada-Fernández, PA Lara-Martín, JB Gusmao, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 174, 113263, 2022
The barnacle Chthamalus bisinuatus is the only sessile invertebrate colonizing oil patches on beachrocks one year after a massive oil spill on the Northeastern Brazilian coast
JB Gusmao, ACR Albergaria-Barbosa, RKP Kikuchi, T Combi
Marine Pollution Bulletin 173, 112952, 2021
Sediment quality assessment in Ho Chi Minh City canals
TKL Bui, LC Do Hong, T Combi, PA Lara-Martin, MC Casado-Martínez, ...
SETAC Europe, Nantes (Fr), 2016
Legacy and novel contaminants in surface sediments of Admiralty Bay, Antarctica Peninsula
LR Costa, MLT Salvador, MG Pintado-Herrera, ACR Albergaria-Barbosa, ...
Science of The Total Environment 951, 175551, 2024
Extraction of PCBs in spiked marine sediments using accelerated-solvent extraction (ASE) and Soxhlet extraction.
T Combi, R Guerra
Green economy e la sua implementazione nel Mediterraneo-Atti ECOMONDO, 359-363, 2014
Personal care products and biomarkers of detoxification and oxidative stress in bivalves: A systematic review of laboratory studies
ABÓ Martins, ACR Albergaria-Barbosa, T Combi
Ocean and Coastal Research 72, e24069, 2024
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