Laura Marie Edinger-Schons
Laura Marie Edinger-Schons
Professor of Sustainable Business, University of Hamburg
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Warm glow or extra charge? The ambivalent effect of corporate social responsibility activities on customers’ perceived price fairness
J Habel, LM Schons, S Alavi, J Wieseke
Journal of marketing 80 (1), 84-105, 2016
Walk the talk? How symbolic and substantive CSR actions affect firm performance depending on stakeholder proximity
L Schons, M Steinmeier
Corporate social responsibility and environmental management 23 (6), 358-372, 2016
Log-likelihood-based Pseudo-R2 in Logistic Regression: Deriving Sample-sensitive Benchmarks
GAJ Hemmert, LM Schons, J Wieseke, H Schimmelpfennig
Sociological Methods & Research 47 (3), 507-531, 2018
Scrooge posing as Mother Teresa: How hypocritical social responsibility strategies hurt employees and firms
S Scheidler, LM Edinger-Schons, J Spanjol, J Wieseke
Journal of Business Ethics 157, 339-358, 2019
Engaging customers in coproduction processes: How value-enhancing and intensity-reducing communication strategies mitigate the negative effects of coproduction intensity
T Haumann, P Güntürkün, LM Schons, J Wieseke
Journal of marketing 79 (6), 17-33, 2015
Frontline employees as corporate social responsibility (CSR) ambassadors: A quasi-field experiment
LM Edinger-Schons, L Lengler-Graiff, S Scheidler, J Wieseke
Journal of Business Ethics 157, 359-373, 2019
“Corporate Digital Responsibility” New corporate responsibilities in the digital age
CJ Herden, E Alliu, A Cakici, T Cormier, C Deguelle, S Gambhir, ...
Sustainability Management Forum| NachhaltigkeitsManagementForum 29 (1), 13-29, 2021
There is nothing permanent except change—analyzing individual price dynamics in “pay-what-you-want” situations
LM Schons, M Rese, J Wieseke, W Rasmussen, D Weber, WC Strotmann
Marketing Letters 25, 25-36, 2014
Are two reasons better than one? The role of appeal type in consumer responses to sustainable products
LM Edinger‐Schons, J Sipilä, S Sen, G Mende, J Wieseke
Journal of Consumer Psychology 28 (4), 644-664, 2018
Corporate purpose and employee sustainability behaviors
CB Bhattacharya, S Sen, LM Edinger-Schons, M Neureiter
Journal of Business Ethics 183 (4), 963-981, 2023
Corporate social responsibility in luxury contexts: potential pitfalls and how to overcome them
J Sipilä, S Alavi, LM Edinger-Schons, S Dörfer, C Schmitz
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49, 280-303, 2021
Life could be so easy: the convenience effect of round price endings
J Wieseke, A Kolberg, LM Schons
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 44, 474-494, 2016
Partners in crime? The impact of consumers' culpability for corporate social irresponsibility on their boycott attitude
S Scheidler, LM Edinger-Schons
Journal of business research 109, 607-620, 2020
Listen to the voice of the customer—First steps towards stakeholder democracy
LM Edinger‐Schons, L Lengler‐Graiff, S Scheidler, G Mende, J Wieseke
Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3), 510-527, 2020
Loyalty program types as drivers of customer retention: a comparison of stand-alone programs and multi-vendor loyalty programs through the lens of transaction cost economics
M Rese, A Hundertmark, H Schimmelpfennig, LM Schons
The International review of retail, distribution and consumer research 23 (3 …, 2013
Oneness beliefs and their effect on life satisfaction.
LM Edinger-Schons
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 12 (4), 428, 2020
From purpose to impact-an investigation of the application of impact measurement and valuation methods for quantifying environmental and social impacts of businesses
P Braig, LM Edinger-Schons
Sustainable Production and Consumption 23, 189-197, 2020
CSR as a selling of indulgences: An experimental investigation of customers’ perceptions of CSR activities depending on corporate reputation
AK Ulke, LM Schons
Corporate Reputation Review 19 (3), 263-280, 2016
Should charity begin at home? An empirical investigation of consumers’ responses to companies’ varying geographic allocations of donation budgets
LM Schons, J Cadogan, R Tsakona
Journal of Business Ethics 144, 559-576, 2017
Corporate social responsibility and perceived fairness of price increases
J Sipilä, S Alavi, LM Edinger‐Schons, U Müller, J Habel
Psychology & Marketing 39 (7), 1370-1384, 2022
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