Inmaculada García-Martínez
Digital competences for teacher professional development. Systematic review
JM Fernández-Batanero, M Montenegro-Rueda, J Fernández-Cerero, ...
European Journal of Teacher Education 45 (4), 513-531, 2022
Analysing the impact of artificial intelligence and computational sciences on student performance: Systematic review and meta-analysis
I García-Martínez, JM Fernández-Batanero, J Fernández-Cerero, SP León
Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research 12 (1), 171-197, 2023
Using mobile devices for improving learning outcomes and teachers’ professionalization
I García-Martínez, JM Fernández-Batanero, D Cobos Sanchiz, ...
Sustainability 11 (24), 6917, 2019
Assistive technology for the inclusion of students with disabilities: a systematic review
JM Fernández-Batanero, M Montenegro-Rueda, J Fernández-Cerero, ...
Educational technology research and development 70 (5), 1911-1930, 2022
Development of emotional intelligence through physical activity and sport practice. A systematic review
JL Ubago-Jiménez, G González-Valero, P Puertas-Molero, ...
Behavioral Sciences 9 (4), 44, 2019
Hacia la implantación de comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje mediante un liderazgo distribuido. Una revisión sistemática
I García Martínez, ML Higueras Rodríguez, E Martínez Valdivia
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2018
Relationship between emotional intelligence, educational achievement and academic stress of pre-service teachers
I García-Martínez, E Pérez-Navío, M Pérez-Ferra, R Quijano-López
Behavioral Sciences 11 (7), 95, 2021
Mapping teacher collaboration for school success
I García-Martínez, M Montenegro-Rueda, E Molina-Fernández, ...
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 32 (4), 631-649, 2021
Profesionalización del docente en la actualidad: contribuciones al desarrollo profesional
A Martín Romera, I García Martínez
Teachers’ life satisfaction: A structural equation model analyzing the role of trait emotion regulation, intrinsic job satisfaction and affect
O Luque-Reca, I García-Martínez, M Pulido-Martos, JL Burguera, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 113, 103668, 2022
Networking for online teacher collaboration
I García-Martínez, P Tadeu, M Montenegro-Rueda, ...
Interactive Learning Environments 30 (9), 1736-1750, 2022
Self-concept as a mediator of the relation between university students’ resilience and academic achievement
I García-Martínez, JM Augusto-Landa, R Quijano-López, SP León
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 747168, 2022
The mediating role of engagement on the achievement and quality of life of university students
I Garcia-Martinez, JMA Landa, SP León
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (12), 6586, 2021
El Liderazgo para la Mejora Escolar y la Justicia Social. Un Estudio de Caso sobre un Centro Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
EM Valdivia, IG Martínez, MLH Rodríguez
REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación …, 2018
The influence of pedagogical leadership on the construction of professional identity. Systematic review.
I García-Martínez, P Tadeu
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 3 (9), 145-162, 2018
Impact of the provision of PowerPoint slides on learning
SP León, I García-Martínez
Computers & Education 173, 104283, 2021
Analysing educational interventions with gifted students. Systematic Review
I García-Martínez, R Gutiérrez Cáceres, A Luque de La Rosa, SP León
Children 8 (5), 365, 2021
Educational leadership training, the construction of learning communities. A systematic review
I García-Martínez, MÁ Díaz-Delgado, JL Ubago-Jiménez
Social sciences 7 (12), 267, 2018
How accurate are our students? A meta-analytic systematic review on self-assessment scoring accuracy
SP León, E Panadero, I García-Martínez
Educational Psychology Review 35 (4), 106, 2023
Impact of the Information and Communication Technologies on the Education of Students with Down Syndrome: A Bibliometric Study (2008-2018).
JM Fernandez-Batanero, M Montenegro-Rued, J Fernandez-Cerero, ...
European Journal of Educational Research 9 (1), 79-89, 2020
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