Søren Thorndahl
Søren Thorndahl
Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Weather radar rainfall data in urban hydrology
S Thorndahl, T Einfalt, P Willems, JE Nielsen, MC Ten Veldhuis, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (3), 1359-1380, 2017
Probabilistic modelling of overflow, surcharge and flooding in urban drainage using the first-order reliability method and parameterization of local rain series
S Thorndahl, P Willems
Water research 42 (1-2), 455-466, 2008
Event based uncertainty assessment in urban drainage modelling, applying the GLUE methodology
S Thorndahl, KJ Beven, JB Jensen, K Schaarup-Jensen
Journal of Hydrology 357 (3-4), 421-437, 2008
The accuracy of weather radar in heavy rain: a comparative study for Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden
M Schleiss, J Olsson, P Berg, T Niemi, T Kokkonen, S Thorndahl, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (6), 3157-3188, 2020
Bias adjustment and advection interpolation of long-term high resolution radar rainfall series
S Thorndahl, JE Nielsen, MR Rasmussen
Journal of Hydrology 508, 214-226, 2014
A numerical method to generate high temporal resolution precipitation time series by combining weather radar measurements with a nowcast model
JE Nielsen, S Thorndahl, MR Rasmussen
Atmospheric research 138, 1-12, 2014
Assessment of runoff contributing catchment areas in rainfall runoff modelling
S Thorndahl, C Johansen, K Schaarup-Jensen
Water science and technology 54 (6-7), 49-56, 2006
Probabilistic online runoff forecasting for urban catchments using inputs from rain gauges as well as statically and dynamically adjusted weather radar
R Löwe, S Thorndahl, PS Mikkelsen, MR Rasmussen, H Madsen
Journal of Hydrology 512, 397-407, 2014
Analysis and integrated modelling of groundwater infiltration to sewer networks
S Thorndahl, JD Balling, UBB Larsen
Hydrological Processes 30 (18), 3228-3238, 2016
Marine X-band weather radar data calibration
S Thorndahl, MR Rasmussen
Atmospheric Research 103, 33-44, 2012
Stochastic long term modelling of a drainage system with estimation of return period uncertainty
S Thorndahl
Water Science and Technology 59 (12), 2331-2339, 2009
Comparison of short-term rainfall forecasts for model-based flow prediction in urban drainage systems
S Thorndahl, TS Poulsen, T Bøvith, M Borup, M Ahm, JE Nielsen, M Grum, ...
Water science and technology 68 (2), 472-478, 2013
Short-term forecasting of urban storm water runoff in real-time using extrapolated radar rainfall data
S Thorndahl, MR Rasmussen
Journal of Hydroinformatics 15 (3), 897-912, 2013
Urban pluvial flood prediction: a case study evaluating radar rainfall nowcasts and numerical weather prediction models as model inputs
S Thorndahl, JE Nielsen, DG Jensen
Water Science and Technology 74 (11), 2599-2610, 2016
Estimation of combined sewer overflow discharge: a software sensor approach based on local water level measurements
M Ahm, S Thorndahl, JE Nielsen, MR Rasmussen
Water Science and Technology 74 (11), 2683-2696, 2016
On hydraulic and pollution effects of converting combined sewer catchments to separate sewer catchments
S Thorndahl, K Schaarup-Jensen, MR Rasmussen
Urban Water Journal 12 (2), 120-130, 2015
Analyses of the temporal and spatial structures of heavy rainfall from a catalog of high-resolution radar rainfall fields
S Thorndahl, JA Smith, ML Baeck, WF Krajewski
Atmospheric research 144, 111-125, 2014
Probabilistic modelling of combined sewer overflow using the First Order Reliability Method
S Thorndahl, K Schaarup-Jensen, JB Jensen
Water Science and Technology 57 (9), 1337-1344, 2008
Return period assessment of urban pluvial floods through modelling of rainfall–flood response
DM Tuyls, S Thorndahl, MR Rasmussen
Journal of Hydroinformatics 20 (4), 829-845, 2018
Estimation of storm-centred areal reduction factors from radar rainfall for design in urban hydrology
S Thorndahl, JE Nielsen, MR Rasmussen
Water 11 (6), 1120, 2019
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