Stephanie J. Johnson (nee Bush)
Stephanie J. Johnson (nee Bush)
European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
SEAS5: the new ECMWF seasonal forecast system
SJ Johnson, TN Stockdale, L Ferranti, MA Balmaseda, F Molteni, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 12 (3), 1087-1117, 2019
The resolution sensitivity of the South Asian monsoon and Indo-Pacific in a global 0.35° AGCM
SJ Johnson, RC Levine, AG Turner, GM Martin, SJ Woolnough, ...
Climate Dynamics 46 (3-4), 807-831, 2016
The effect of increased convective entrainment on Asian monsoon biases in the MetUM general circulation model
SJ Bush, AG Turner, SJ Woolnough, GM Martin, NP Klingaman
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (686), 311-326, 2015
How confident are predictability estimates of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation?
A Weisheimer, D Decremer, D MacLeod, C O'Reilly, TN Stockdale, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145, 140-159, 2019
The northern hemisphere circumglobal teleconnection in a seasonal forecast model and its relationship to European summer forecast skill
JD Beverley, SJ Woolnough, LH Baker, SJ Johnson, A Weisheimer
Climate Dynamics 52 (5-6), 3759-3771, 2019
An assessment of Indian monsoon seasonal forecasts and mechanisms underlying monsoon interannual variability in the Met Office GloSea5-GC2 system
SJ Johnson, A Turner, S Woolnough, G Martin, C MacLachlan
Climate Dynamics 48 (5-6), 1447-1465, 2017
Spiral-Induced Star Formation in the Outer Disks of Galaxies
SJ Bush, TJ Cox, CC Hayward, D Thilker, L Hernquist, G Besla
The Astrophysical Journal 713 (2), 780, 2010
Simulations of XUV Disks with a Star Formation Density Threshold
SJ Bush, TJ Cox, L Hernquist, D Thilker, JD Younger
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 683 (1), L13, 2008
ECMWF’s new long-range forecasting system SEAS5
T Stockdale, S Johnson, L Ferranti, M Balmaseda, S Briceag
ECMWF Newsletter 154, 15-20, 2018
Neutral Hydrogen in the Interacting Magellanic Spirals NGC 4618 and NGC 4625
SJ Bush, EM Wilcots
The Astronomical Journal 128 (6), 2789, 2004
Maritime Continent seasonal climate biases in AMIP experiments of the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble
YY Toh, AG Turner, SJ Johnson, CE Holloway
Climate Dynamics 50 (3-4), 777-800, 2018
Mean and extreme precipitation over European river basins better simulated in a 25km AGCM
R Schiemann, PL Vidale, LC Shaffrey, SJ Johnson, MJ Roberts, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (7), 3933-3950, 2018
The resolution sensitivity of the Asian summer monsoon and its inter-model comparison between MRI-AGCM and MetUM
T Ogata, SJ Johnson, R Schiemann, ME Demory, R Mizuta, K Yoshida, ...
Climate Dynamics 49 (9-10), 3345-3361, 2017
When and where do ECMWF seasonal forecast systems exhibit anomalously low signal‐to‐noise ratio?
AJ Charlton‐Perez, J Bröcker, TN Stockdale, S Johnson
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145 (725), 3466-3478, 2019
The Structure of Active Merger Remnant NGC 6240 from IRAC Observations
SJ Bush, Z Wang, M Karovska, GG Fazio
The Astrophysical Journal 688 (2), 875, 2008
A pilot study using deep infrared imaging to constrain the star formation history of the XUV stellar populations in NGC 4625
SJ Bush, RC Kennicutt, MLN Ashby, BD Johnson, F Bresolin, G Fazio
The Astrophysical Journal 793 (1), 65, 2014
Boreal summer sub-seasonal variability of the South Asian monsoon in the Met Office GloSea5 initialized coupled model
A Jayakumar, AG Turner, SJ Johnson, EN Rajagopal, S Mohandas, ...
Climate Dynamics 49 (5-6), 2035-2059, 2017
Star Formation in Extreme Environments
SJ Bush
Harvard University, 2010
The 3.6 micron Surface Brightness Profiles of Outer Disks: NGC 4625 and M 83
S Bush, M Ashby, F Bresolin, G Fazio, B Johnson, R Kennicutt
Spitzer Proposal 1 (60072), 60072, 2009
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