Tao Yang
Mindfulness at work
TM Glomb, MK Duffy, JE Bono, T Yang
Research in personnel and human resources management, 115-157, 2011
Research in personnel and human resources management
TM Glomb, MK Duffy, JE Bono, T Yang
Mindfulness at work, 115-157, 2011
Mindfulness at work. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 30, 115–157
TM Glomb, MK Duffy, JE Bono, T Yang
DOWNLOAD 7427301, 000003000, 2011
The balance between positive and negative affect in employee well‐being
DJ Yoon, JE Bono, T Yang, KY Lee, TM Glomb, MK Duffy
Journal of Organizational Behavior 43 (4), 763-782, 2022
Insights into the accuracy of social scientists’ forecasts of societal change
Nature human behaviour 7 (4), 484-501, 2023
Mindfulness complements sexual harassment and racial discrimination training by counteracting implicit gender and race biases
T Yang
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 13 (2), 142-146, 2020
Mercurial hearts: A dyadic perspective on the role of affect spin in work‐family conflict and marital satisfaction
T Yang, PC Dahm
Applied Psychology 70 (4), 1784-1809, 2021
Coping with home demands can be contagious: A faultline perspective on the role of in-groups, out-groups, and family supportive supervision
T Yang, DP Giddings, TM Glomb, JD Kammeyer-Mueller
Journal of Vocational Behavior 118, 103376, 2020
Stop the spin: The role of mindfulness practices in reducing affect spin.
UR Hülsheger, T Yang, JE Bono, Z Goh, R Ilies
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 27 (6), 529, 2022
Why and when does a mindfulness intervention promote job performance? The interpersonal mechanisms and individual, job, and social contingencies
T Yang
University of Minnesota, 2015
Positive interventions: Alternate routes to quality workplace relationships
T Yang, P Mishra
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 11 (3), 504-510, 2018
A Resource Depletion Spiral? A Moderated Mediation Model of Emotional Exhaustion and Venting at Work.
T Yang, JM Sun
Journal of Organizational Psychology 19 (6), 2019
Staying power: Emotional inertia as a moderator of event-affect relationships
TM Glomb, D Beal, T Yang, DP Bhave
Theoretical and empirical advances on mindfulness at work
A Hafenbrack, UR Hulsheger, CJ Lyddy, TC Masters-Waage, EE Stillwell, ...
Academy of Management 2019 (1), 2019
Interactive effects of employed parents' affect spin with job demands and resources on adolescent well‐being
T Yang, PC Dahm
Applied Psychology 74 (1), e12581, 2025
Beneficial role of mindfulness interventions in reducing weight stigma
T Yang
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 17 (1), 138-141, 2024
Parent Affect Spin and Child Adjustment: The Role of Parent Job Characteristics
T Yang, PC Dahm
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 17573, 2020
The salutary role of collective and individual mindfulness in Lean management
T Yang
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 12 (3), 255-259, 2019
Theoretical and Empirical Advances on Mindfulness at Work
UR Hulsheger, CJ Lyddy, TC Masters-Waage, EE Stillwell, T Yang
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 16102, 2019
Mercurial Hearts: Affect Spin, Work-Family Conflict, and Marital Satisfaction in Dual-Earner Couples
T Yang, PC Dahm
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 15830, 2019
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