Inge Ris
Inge Ris
Studieadjunkt, Syddansk Universitet
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
National clinical guidelines for non-surgical treatment of patients with recent onset neck pain or cervical radiculopathy
P Kjaer, A Kongsted, J Hartvigsen, A Isenberg-Jørgensen, ...
European Spine Journal 26 (9), 2242-2257, 2017
Does a combination of physical training, specific exercises and pain education improve health-related quality of life in patients with chronic neck pain? A randomised control …
I Ris, K Søgaard, B Gram, K Agerbo, E Boyle, B Juul-Kristensen
Manual therapy 26, 132-140, 2016
Reliability, construct and discriminative validity of clinical testing in subjects with and without chronic neck pain
R Jørgensen, I Ris, D Falla, B Juul-Kristensen
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 15 (1), 408, 2014
Evidence of physiotherapy interventions for patients with chronic neck pain: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials
P Damgaard, EM Bartels, I Ris, R Christensen, B Juul-Kristensen
Isrn Pain 2013, 2013
Increased neck muscle activity and impaired balance among females with whiplash-related chronic neck pain: a cross-sectional study
B Juul-Kristensen, B Clausen, I Ris, R Vikaer Jensen, ...
Journal of rehabilitation medicine 45 (4), 376-384, 2013
Pain education combined with neck-and aerobic training is more effective at relieving chronic neck pain than pain education alone–A preliminary randomized controlled trial
K Brage, I Ris, D Falla, K Søgaard, B Juul-Kristensen
Manual therapy 20 (5), 686-693, 2015
GLA: D® Back group-based patient education integrated with exercises to support self-management of back pain-development, theories and scientific evidence
P Kjaer, A Kongsted, I Ris, A Abbott, CDN Rasmussen, EM Roos, ST Skou, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 19 (1), 418, 2018
Chronic neck pain patients with traumatic or non-traumatic onset: differences in characteristics. A cross-sectional study
I Ris, B Juul-Kristensen, E Boyle, A Kongsted, C Manniche, K Søgaard
Scandinavian journal of pain 14, 1-8, 2017
Responsiveness of clinical tests for people with neck pain
R Jørgensen, I Ris, C Juhl, D Falla, B Juul-Kristensen
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 18 (1), 548, 2017
Pain extent is more strongly associated with disability, psychological factors, and neck muscle function in people with non-traumatic versus traumatic chronic neck pain: a …
I Ris, M Barbero, D Falla, MH Larsen, MN Kraft, K Søgaard, ...
European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 2018
Neck exercises, physical and cognitive behavioural-graded activity as a treatment for adult whiplash patients with chronic neck pain: design of a randomised controlled trial
IR Hansen, K Søgaard, R Christensen, B Thomsen, C Manniche, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 12 (1), 274, 2011
The relation between pain extent and quality-of-life, psychological factors and neck function in patients with chronic neck pain
I Ris, M Barbero, D Falla, MH Larsen, MN Kraft, K Søgaard, ...
Manual Therapy, e73-e74, 2016
The relation between pain extent and quality-of-life, psychological factors and neck funktion in patients with chronic neck pain
IR Hansen, M Barbero, D Falla, MH Larsen, MN Kraft, K Søgaard, ...
IFOMPT, 2016
National Klinisk Retningslinje for ikke-kirurgisk behandling af nyopstået rodpåvirkning i nakken med udstrålende symptomer til armen (cervikal radikulopati)
K Junker, A Kongsted, B Schiøttz-Christensen, C Møller, I Ris, ...
Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2015
Statistical Analysis Plan
I Ris, K Søgaard, B Gram, K Agerbo, E Boyle, B Juul-Kristensen
GLA: D® Ryg: Uddannelse og træning som behandling for rygsmerter
A Kongsted, I Ris, P Kjær, J Hartvigsen
Nakkebesvær: Skal jeg træne–og hvordan?
IR Hansen
Krop Og Fysik, 2018
Post traumatic stress in chronic neck pain patients-Statistical Analysis Plan: Post traumatic stress-does I affect outcomes of a multimodal physiotherapy intervention for …
D Broholm, TE Andersen, E Boyle, IR Hansen
Reliability and validity of clinical tests in persons with chronic neck pain and asymptomatic controls
IR Hansen, R Jørgensen
Dansk Sportsmedicin 21 (1), 42-43, 2017
Clinical guidelines on shoulder problems and neck pain, how can they be used?: Strengths and limitations
B Juul-Kristensen, IR Hansen
Dansk Sportsmedicin 21 (1), 40-41, 2017
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