Dr. Clara Weber
Dr. Clara Weber
Senior Research Associate, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Place attachment theory
G Inalhan, E Yang, C Weber
A handbook of theories on designing alignment between people and the office …, 2021
Physical workplace adjustments to support neurodivergent workers: A systematic review
C Weber, B Krieger, E Häne, J Yarker, A McDowall
Applied Psychology 73 (3), 910-962, 2024
Future teleworking inclinations post-COVID-19: examining the role of teleworking conditions and perceived productivity
C Weber, SE Golding, J Yarker, R Lewis, E Ratcliffe, F Munir, TP Wheele, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 863197, 2022
Patients' health & well-being in inpatient mental health-care facilities: a systematic review
C Weber, V Monero Flores, TP Wheele, E Miedema, EV White
Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, 758039, 2022
Office relocation: changes in privacy fit, satisfaction and fatigue
C Weber, B Gatersleben
Journal of Corporate Real Estate 24 (1), 21-39, 2022
Privacy regulation theory: redevelopment and application to work privacy
C Weber, B Gatersleben, B Degenhardt, L Windlinger
A handbook of theories on designing alignment between people and the office …, 2021
Work fatigue during COVID-19 lockdown teleworking: the role of psychosocial, environmental, and social working conditions
C Weber, SE Golding, J Yarker, K Teoh, R Lewis, E Ratcliffe, F Munir, ...
Frontiers in psychology 14, 1155118, 2023
Privacy fit in open-plan offices: Its appraisal, associated outcomes & contextual factors
C Weber
University of Surrey, 2019
A narrative literature review using placemaking theories to unravel student social connectedness in hybrid university learning environments
T Wheele, C Weber, L Windlinger, T Haugen, C Lindkvist
Buildings 13 (2), 339, 2023
Office workplaces in universities and hospitals: literature review
E Häne, V Monero Flores, S Lange, P Bébié Gut, C Weber, ...
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, 2020
Flexibilisierung der Arbeit in Raum und Zeit
B Werkmann-Karcher, M Zirkler, L Windlinger, C Weber
Personalpsychologie für das Human Resource Management, 245-279, 2023
Eine explorative Untersuchung der Einflüsse von ABW-Büromerkmalen auf die Wahrnehmung der Organisationskultur
C Weber, P Bébié-Gut, A Riebli, L Windlinger
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2022
Crowding and aggression during the COVID-19 lockdown in the United Kingdom: The relationship between residential density, subjective crowding, privacy, and aggression
C Weber, B Gatersleben, S Jagannath, B Füchslin, ZNC Delabrida
Journal of environmental psychology 96, 102335, 2024
V Borkmann, S Rief, C Weber
Eine Erhebung zu innovativen Lösungen für die Hotellerie: Status quo und …, 2011
Extending informal/private networks: Exploring the influence of communication technologies on student social connectedness (SSC) in the context of a hybrid university learning …
T Wheele, C Lindkvist, T Haugen, C Weber, L Windlinger
The 22nd EuroFM Research Symposium, 149, 2023
Studying the influence of technology on the social connectedness of students: A hybrid university learning environment (HULE)
T Wheele, C Lindkvist, C Weber, L Windlinger, T Haugen
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1176 (1), 012009, 2023
Diary studies: Capturing real-time experiences in the workplace
R Soucek, C Weber, J Gunkel, B Degenhardt
Methodological Approaches for Workplace Research and Management, 82-94, 2023
Homeworking during COVID-19 lockdown: Relationships between the physical and social environments at home, work-related burnout, and musculoskeletal pain
C Weber, S Golding, E Ratcliffe, J Yarker, R Lewis, F Munir
Health Psychology Update 29 (3), 55-56, 2020
Sensory-inclusive office environments for workers with ADHD/ADD: a preliminary study
C Weber, E Häne, F Wieber, B Krieger, N Doyle
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, 2024
Beyond the screen: student experiences of social connection in a hybrid university learning environment
T Wheele, C Lindkvist, C Weber, T Haugen, L Windlinger
Learning, Media and Technology, 1-16, 2024
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