Temesgen Gashaw Tarkegn (Ph.D)
Temesgen Gashaw Tarkegn (Ph.D)
Postdoctoral Researcher at Prairie View A & M University, Texas, USA
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Modeling the hydrological impacts of land use/land cover changes in the Andassa watershed, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
T Gashaw, T Tulu, M Argaw, AW Worqlul
Science of the Total Environment 619, 1394-1408, 2018
Estimating the impacts of land use/land cover changes on Ecosystem Service Values: The case of the Andassa watershed in the Upper Blue Nile basin of Ethiopia
T Gashaw, T Tulu, M Argaw, AW Worqlul, T Tolessa, M Kindu
Ecosystem Services 31, 219-228, 2018
Evaluation and prediction of land use/land cover changes in the Andassa watershed, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
T Gashaw, T Tulu, M Argaw, AW Worqlul
Environmental Systems Research 6 (1), 1-15, 2017
Erosion risk assessment for prioritization of conservation measures in Geleda watershed, Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia
T Gashaw, T Tulu, M Argaw
Environmental Systems Research 6 (1), 1-14, 2018
Land degradation in Ethiopia: causes, impacts and rehabilitation techniques
T Gashaw, A Bantider, HG Silassie
Journal of environment and earth science 4 (9), 98-104, 2014
Evaluations of land use/land cover changes and land degradation in Dera District, Ethiopia: GIS and remote sensing based analysis
T Gashaw, A Bantider, A Mahari
International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences 2 (6 …, 2014
Spatiotemporal variability and trends of rainfall and its association with Pacific Ocean Sea surface temperature in West Harerge Zone, Eastern Ethiopia
G Bayable, G Amare, G Alemu, T Gashaw
Environmental Systems Research 10 (1), 1-21, 2021
Modeling the impacts of land use–land cover changes on soil erosion and sediment yield in the Andassa watershed, upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia
T Gashaw, T Tulu, M Argaw, AW Worqlul
Environmental Earth Sciences 78 (24), 1-22, 2019
Wetland degradation in Ethiopia: causes, consequences and remedies
H Gebresllassie, T Gashaw, A Mehari
Journal of Environment and Earth Science 4 (11), 40-48, 2014
Evaluating potential impacts of land management practices on soil erosion in the Gilgel Abay watershed, upper Blue Nile basin
T Gashaw, AW Worqlul, YT Dile, S Addisu, A Bantider, G Zeleke
Heliyon 6 (8), e04777, 2020
Assessing the impacts of land use/cover changes on ecosystem service values in Rib watershed, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
MA Anley, AS Minale, N Haregeweyn, T Gashaw
Trees, Forests and People 7, 100212, 2022
The implications of watershed management for reversing land degradation in Ethiopia
T Gashaw
Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Management 4 (1), 5-12, 2015
Evaluating InVEST model for estimating soil loss and sediment export in data scarce regions of the Abbay (Upper Blue Nile) Basin: Implications for land managers
T Gashaw, A Bantider, G Zeleke, T Alamirew, W Jemberu, AW Worqlul, ...
Environmental Challenges 5, 100381, 2021
Changes in observed rainfall and temperature extremes in the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia
JA Mohammed, T Gashaw, GW Tefera, YT Dile, AW Worqlul, S Addisu
Weather and Climate Extremes, 100468, 2022
Threats of Bale mountains national park and solutions, Ethiopia
T Gashaw
Journal of Physical Science and Environmental Studies 1 (2), 10-16, 2015
Evaluating the effectiveness of best management practices on soil erosion reduction using the SWAT Model: for the case of Gumara watershed, Abbay (Upper Blue Nile) Basin
T Gashaw, YT Dile, AW Worqlul, A Bantider, G Zeleke, W Bewket, ...
Environmental Management 68 (2), 240-261, 2021
Trends in Rainfall and Temperature Extremes in Ethiopia: Station and Agro-Ecological Zone Levels of Analysis
GB Wubaye, T Gashaw, AW Worqlul, YT Dile, MT Taye, A Haileslassie, ...
Atmosphere 14 (3), 483, 2023
Identification of soil erosion hot-spot areas for prioritization of conservation measures using the SWAT model in Ribb watershed, Ethiopia
BF Admas, T Gashaw, AA Adem, AW Worqlul, YT Dile, E Molla
Resources, Environment and Sustainability 8, 100059, 2022
Threats of woody plant species diversity and their conservation techniques in Ethiopia
W Mebrat, T Gashaw
European Journal of Botany, Plant Science and Phythology 1 (3), 10-17, 2013
Assessing impacts of land use/land cover changes on the hydrology of Upper Gilgel Abbay watershed using the SWAT model
W Abuhay, T Gashaw, L Tsegaye
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 100535, 2023
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