Lutz Schirrmeister
Lutz Schirrmeister
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Estimated stocks of circumpolar permafrost carbon with quantified uncertainty ranges and identified data gaps
G Hugelius, J Strauss, S Zubrzycki, JW Harden, EAG Schuur, CL Ping, ...
Biogeosciences 11 (23), 6573-6593, 2014
Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic records from permafrost deposits in the Arctic region of Northern Siberia
L Schirrmeister, C Siegert, T Kuznetsova, S Kuzmina, A Andreev, ...
Quaternary International 89 (1), 97-118, 2002
Deep Yedoma permafrost: A synthesis of depositional characteristics and carbon vulnerability
J Strauss, L Schirrmeister, G Grosse, D Fortier, G Hugelius, C Knoblauch, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 172, 75-86, 2017
Modern terrigenous organic carbon input to the Arctic Ocean
V Rachold, H Eicken, VV Gordeev, MN Grigoriev, HW Hubberten, ...
The organic carbon cycle in the Arctic Ocean, 33-55, 2004
The periglacial climate and environment in northern Eurasia during the Last Glaciation
HW Hubberten, A Andreev, VI Astakhov, I Demidov, JA Dowdeswell, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (11-13), 1333-1357, 2004
Yedoma: Late Pleistocene ice-rich syngenetic permafrost of Beringia
L Schirrmeister, D Froese, V Tumskoy, G Grosse, S Wetterich
Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. 2nd edition, 542-552, 2013
Sedimentary characteristics and origin of the Late Pleistocene Ice Complex on north-east Siberian Arctic coastal lowlands and islands–A review
L Schirrmeister, V Kunitsky, G Grosse, S Wetterich, H Meyer, ...
Quaternary international 241 (1-2), 3-25, 2011
The deep permafrost carbon pool of the Yedoma region in Siberia and Alaska
J Strauss, L Schirrmeister, G Grosse, S Wetterich, M Ulrich, U Herzschuh, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (23), 6165-6170, 2013
A new data set for estimating organic carbon storage to 3 m depth in soils of the northern circumpolar permafrost region
G Hugelius, JG Bockheim, P Camill, B Elberling, G Grosse, JW Harden, ...
Earth System Science Data 5 (2), 393-402, 2013
Spatial analyses of thermokarst lakes and basins in Yedoma landscapes of the Lena Delta
A Morgenstern, G Grosse, F Günther, I Fedorova, L Schirrmeister
The Cryosphere 5 (4), 849-867, 2011
Fossil organic matter characteristics in permafrost deposits of the northeast Siberian Arctic
L Schirrmeister, G Grosse, S Wetterich, PP Overduin, J Strauss, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116 (G2), 2011
Observation-based modelling of permafrost carbon fluxes with accounting for deep carbon deposits and thermokarst activity
T Schneider von Deimling, G Grosse, J Strauss, L Schirrmeister, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (11), 3469-3488, 2015
Palaeoenvironmental dynamics inferred from late Quaternary permafrost deposits on Kurungnakh Island, Lena Delta, northeast Siberia, Russia
S Wetterich, S Kuzmina, AA Andreev, F Kienast, H Meyer, L Schirrmeister, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (15-16), 1523-1540, 2008
Vegetation and climate history in the Laptev Sea region (Arctic Siberia) during Late Quaternary inferred from pollen records
AA Andreev, L Schirrmeister, PE Tarasov, A Ganopolski, V Brovkin, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (17-18), 2182-2199, 2011
Palaeoclimate reconstruction on Big Lyakhovsky Island, North Siberia—hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in ice wedges
H Meyer, A Dereviagin, C Siegert, L Schirrmeister, HW Hubberten
Permafrost and periglacial processes 13 (2), 91-105, 2002
Late Quaternary history of the accumulation plain north of the Chekanovsky Ridge (Lena Delta, Russia): a multidisciplinary approach
L Schirrmeister, G Grosse, G Schwamborn, AA Andreev, H Meyer, ...
Polar geography 27 (4), 277-319, 2003
Palaeobotanical evidence for warm summers in the East Siberian Arctic during the last cold stage
F Kienast, L Schirrmeister, C Siegert, P Tarasov
Quaternary Research 63 (3), 283-300, 2005
The use of CORONA images in remote sensing of periglacial geomorphology: an illustration from the NE Siberian coast
G Grosse, L Schirrmeister, VV Kunitsky, HW Hubberten
Permafrost and periglacial processes 16 (2), 163-172, 2005
Evolution of thermokarst in East Siberian ice-rich permafrost: A case study
A Morgenstern, M Ulrich, F Günther, S Roessler, IV Fedorova, NA Rudaya, ...
Geomorphology 201, 363-379, 2013
Weichselian and Holocene palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island, New Siberian Archipelago, Arctic Siberia
AA Andreev, G Grosse, L Schirrmeister, TV Kuznetsova, SA Kuzmina, ...
Boreas 38 (1), 72-110, 2009
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