Marc Taylor
Marc Taylor
Thünen Institite of Sea Fisheries
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
TropFishR: an R package for fisheries analysis with length-frequency data
T Mildenberger, MH Taylor, AM Wolff
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (11), 1520-1527, 2017
Extending electronic length frequency analysis in R
MH Taylor, TK Mildenberger
Fisheries Management and Ecology 24 (4), 330-338, 2017
Trophic modeling of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem, part I: comparing trophic linkages under La Niña and El Niño conditions
J Tam, MH Taylor, V Blaskovic, P Espinoza, RM Ballón, E Díaz, ...
Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4), 352-365, 2008
On the sensitivity of field reconstruction and prediction using Empirical Orthogonal Functions derived from gappy data
MH Taylor, M Losch, M Wenzel, J Schröter
Journal of Climate 26, 9194-9205, 2013
On the drivers of phytoplankton blooms in the Antarctic marginal ice zone: a modeling approach
M Taylor, M Losch, A Bracher
Journal of Geophysical Research 118, 2013
Carrying capacity simulations as a tool for ecosystem-based management of a scallop aquaculture system
L Kluger, MH Taylor, J Tam, J Mendo, M Wolff
Ecological Modelling, 2015
Trophic modeling of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem, Part II: Elucidating ecosystem dynamics from 1995 to 2004 with a focus on the impact of ENSO
MH Taylor, J Tam, V Blaskovic, P Espinoza, RM Ballón, ...
Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4), 366-378, 2008
Performance evaluation of data-limited, length-based stock assessment methods
L Chong, TK Mildenberger, MB Rudd, MH Taylor, JM Cope, TA Branch, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (1), 97-108, 2020
Bio-optical provinces in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and their biogeographical relevance
BB Taylor, E Torrecilla, A Bernhardt, MH Taylor, I Peeken, R Röttgers, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (12), 3609-3629, 2011
Using empirical orthogonal functions derived from remote-sensing reflectance for the prediction of phytoplankton pigment concentrations
A Bracher, MH Taylor, B Taylor, T Dinter, R Röttgers, F Steinmetz
Ocean Science 11, 139-158, 2015
Assessing sources of uncertainty in length-based estimates of body growth in populations of fishes and macroinvertebrates with bootstrapped ELEFAN
R Schwamborn, TK Mildenberger, MH Taylor
Ecological Modelling 393, 37-51, 2019
Comparing internal and external drivers in the southern Benguela and the southern and northern Humboldt upwelling ecosystems
LJ Shannon, S Neira, M Taylor
African Journal of Marine Science 30 (1), 63-84, 2008
From an open‐access fishery to a regulated aquaculture business: the case of the most important Latin American bay scallop (Argopecten purpuratus)
LC Kluger, MH Taylor, M Wolff, W Stotz, J Mendo
Reviews in Aquaculture 11 (1), 187-203, 2019
Changes in trophic flow structure of Independence Bay (Peru) over an ENSO cycle
MH Taylor, M Wolff, J Mendo, C Yamashiro
Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4), 336-351, 2008
Spatially-resolved influence of temperature and salinity on stock and recruitment variability of commercially important fishes in the North Sea
A Akimova, I Núñez-Riboni, A Kempf, MH Taylor
PloS one 11 (9), e0161917, 2016
Large-amplitude internal waves sustain coral health during thermal stress
GM Schmidt, M Wall, M Taylor, C Jantzen, C Richter
Coral Reefs 35, 869-881, 2016
A catch forecast model for the Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) based on estimators of spawning stock and settlement rate
M Wolff, M Taylor, J Mendo, C Yamashiro
Ecological Modelling 209 (2-4), 333-341, 2007
Non-random variability in functional composition of coral reef fish communities along an environmental gradient
JG Plass-Johnson, MH Taylor, AAA Husain, MC Teichberg, SCA Ferse
PLoS One 11 (4), e0154014, 2016
El Niño induced changes to the Bolivar Channel ecosystem (Galapagos): comparing model simulations with historical biomass time series
M Wolff, DJ Ruiz, M Taylor
Marine Ecology Progress Series 448, 7-22, 2012
Trophic and environmental drivers of the Sechura Bay Ecosystem (Peru) over an ENSO cycle
MH Taylor, M Wolff, F Vadas, C Yamashiro
Helgoland Marine Research 62, 15-32, 2008
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