F M  Slater
F M Slater
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Cardiff University
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Large–scale geographical variation confirms that climate change causes birds to lay earlier
C Both, AV Artemyev, B Blaauw, RJ Cowie, AJ Dekhuijzen, T Eeva, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
An assessment of wildlife road casulties–the potential discrepancy between numbers counted and numbers killed
FM Slater
Web Ecology 3 (1), 33-42, 2002
Ground flora, small mammal and bird species diversity in miscanthus (Miscanthus× giganteus) and reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea) fields
T Semere, FM Slater
Biomass and Bioenergy 31 (1), 20-29, 2007
Invertebrate populations in miscanthus (Miscanthus× giganteus) and reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea) fields
T Semere, FM Slater
Biomass and Bioenergy 31 (1), 30-39, 2007
Habitat features important for the conservation of the native crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in Britain
GRT Smith, MA Learner, FM Slater, J Foster
Biological conservation 75 (3), 239-246, 1996
Population characteristics of the common toad (Bufo bufo) visiting a breeding site in mid-Wales
SP Gittins, AG Parker, FM Slater
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 161-173, 1980
Inter‐ and intraspecific differences in climatically mediated phenological change in coexisting Triturus species
EA Chadwick, FM Slater, SJ Ormerod
Global Change Biology 12 (6), 1069-1078, 2006
The effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer applications to Miscanthus×giganteus, Arundo donax and Phalaris arundinacea, when grown as energy crops in …
R Smith, FM Slater
Gcb Bioenergy 2 (4), 169-179, 2010
The economics of growing short rotation coppice in the uplands of mid-Wales and an economic comparison with sheep production
RJ Heaton, PF Randerson, FM Slater
Biomass and Bioenergy 17 (1), 59-71, 1999
Mobilization of minerals and moisture loss during senescence of the energy crops Miscanthus×giganteus, Arundo donax and Phalaris arundinacea in Wales, UK
R Smith, FM Slater
Gcb Bioenergy 3 (2), 148-157, 2011
The breeding migration of Smooth and Palmate newts (Triturus vulgaris and T. helveticus) at a pond in mid Wales
JD Harrison, SP Gittins, FM Slater
Journal of Zoology 199 (2), 249-258, 1983
Comparing the ecological impacts of native and invasive crayfish: could native species’ translocation do more harm than good?
J James, FM Slater, IP Vaughan, KA Young, J Cable
Oecologia 178, 309-316, 2015
Reducing the establishment costs of short rotation willow coppice (SRC)–A trial of a novel layflat planting system at an upland site in mid-Wales
SC Lowthe-Thomas, FM Slater, PF Randerson
Biomass and Bioenergy 34 (5), 677-686, 2010
Wildlife road casualties
FM Slater
British Wildlife 5 (4), 214-221, 1994
Geographical variation in egg mass and egg content in a passerine bird
S Ruuskanen, H Siitari, T Eeva, E Belskii, A Järvinen, A Kerimov, I Krams, ...
PLoS One 6 (11), e25360, 2011
Bayesian clustering techniques and progressive partitioning to identify population structuring within a recovering otter population in the UK
GI Hobbs, EA Chadwick, MW Bruford, FM Slater
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (5), 1206-1217, 2011
Early rotation short rotation willow coppice as a winter food resource for birds
DA Fry, FM Slater
Biomass and Bioenergy 35 (7), 2545-2553, 2011
Large-scale geographical variation in eggshell metal and calcium content in a passerine bird (Ficedula hypoleuca)
S Ruuskanen, T Laaksonen, J Morales, J Moreno, R Mateo, E Belskii, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 3304-3317, 2014
Mitochondrial genetic diversity and structure of the European otter (Lutra lutra) in Britain
DWG Stanton, GI Hobbs, EA Chadwick, FM Slater, MW Bruford
Conservation Genetics 10, 733-737, 2009
Mate assortment in the common toad (Bufo bufo)
SP Gittins, AG Parker, FM Slater
Journal of Natural History 14 (5), 663-668, 1980
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