Matt Reudink
Matt Reudink
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Non-breeding season events influence sexual selection in a long-distance migratory bird
MW Reudink, PP Marra, TK Kyser, PT Boag, KM Langin, LM Ratcliffe
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1662), 1619-1626, 2009
Herbivory in a spider through exploitation of an ant–plant mutualism
CJ Meehan, EJ Olson, MW Reudink, TK Kyser, RL Curry
Current biology 19 (19), R892-R893, 2009
Hydrogen isotopic variation in migratory bird tissues of known origin: implications for geographic assignment
KM Langin, MW Reudink, PP Marra, DR Norris, TK Kyser, LM Ratcliffe
Oecologia 152, 449-457, 2007
Historical pesticide applications coincided with an altered diet of aerially foraging insectivorous chimney swifts
JJ Nocera, JM Blais, DV Beresford, LK Finity, C Grooms, LE Kimpe, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1740), 3114-3120, 2012
Ecology and behavior of chickadees and titmice: an integrated approach
KA Otter
OUP Oxford, 2007
Plumage brightness predicts non‐breeding season territory quality in a long‐distance migratory songbird, the American redstart Setophaga ruticilla
MW Reudink, CE Studds, PP Marra, T Kurt Kyser, LM Ratcliffe
Journal of Avian Biology 40 (1), 34-41, 2009
Structure and Dynamics of The Hybrid Zone Between Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile Atricapillus) and Carolina Chickadee (P. Carolinensis) in Southeastern …
MW Reudink, SG Mech, SP Mullen, RL Curry
The Auk 124 (2), 463-478, 2007
Extrapair paternity and mate choice in a chickadee hybrid zone
MW Reudink, SG Mech, RL Curry
Behavioral Ecology 17 (1), 56-62, 2006
Expanding the traditional definition of molt-migration
CM Tonra, MW Reudink
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135 (4), 1123-1132, 2018
Plumage coloration predicts paternity and polygyny in the American redstart
MW Reudink, PP Marra, PT Boag, LM Ratcliffe
Animal Behaviour 77 (2), 495-501, 2009
Mitochondrial evidence for panmixia despite perceived barriers to gene flow in a widely distributed waterbird
RA Oomen, MW Reudink, JJ Nocera, CM Somers, MC Green, CJ Kyle
Journal of Heredity 102 (5), 584-592, 2011
Urban environments are associated with earlier clutches and faster nestling feather growth compared to natural habitats
KLD Marini, KA Otter, SE LaZerte, MW Reudink
Urban Ecosystems 20, 1291-1300, 2017
Evidence for Introgression in the Endangered Sonora Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum stebbinsi (Lowe)
A Storfer, SG Mech, MW Reudink, RE Ziemba, J Warren, JP Collins
Copeia 2004 (4), 783-796, 2004
Moult migration in Bullock’s orioles (Icterus bullockii) confirmed by geolocators and stable isotope analysis
AG Pillar, PP Marra, NJ Flood, MW Reudink
Journal of Ornithology 157, 265-275, 2016
Inbreeding and strong population subdivision in an endangered salamander
A Storfer, SG Mech, MW Reudink, K Lew
Conservation Genetics 15, 137-151, 2014
Evolution of moult-migration is directly linked to aridity of the breeding grounds in North American passerines
C Pageau, CM Tonra, M Shaikh, NJ Flood, MW Reudink
Biology Letters 16 (6), 20200155, 2020
Panmixia on a continental scale in a widely distributed colonial waterbird
MW Reudink, CJ Kyle, JJ Nocera, RA Oomen, MC Green, CM Somers
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102 (3), 583-592, 2011
Anti-predator responses of Neotropical resident and migrant birds to familiar and unfamiliar owl vocalizations on the Yucatan Peninsula
MW Reudink, JJ Nocera, RL Curry
Ornitología Neotropical 18 (4), 543-552, 2007
Inter-annual variation in American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) plumage colour is associated with rainfall and temperature during moult: an 11-year study
MW Reudink, AE McKellar, KLD Marini, SL McArthur, PP Marra, ...
Oecologia 178, 161-173, 2015
Carotenoid-based male plumage predicts parental investment in the American Redstart
RR Germain, MW Reudink, PP Marra, LM Ratcliffe
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122 (2), 318-325, 2010
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