Cyril C. Grueter
Cyril C. Grueter
Associate Professor, The University of Western Australia
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Evolution of multilevel social systems in nonhuman primates and humans
CC Grueter, B Chapais, D Zinner
International Journal of Primatology 33, 1002-1037, 2012
Fallback foods of temperate‐living primates: A case study on snub‐nosed monkeys
CC Grueter, D Li, B Ren, F Wei, Z Xiang, CP Van Schaik
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2009
Snub‐nosed monkeys: Multilevel societies across varied environments
RC Kirkpatrick, CC Grueter
Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 19 (3), 98-113, 2010
Multilevel organisation of animal sociality
CC Grueter, X Qi, D Zinner, T Bergman, M Li, Z Xiang, P Zhu, AB Migliano, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 35 (9), 834-847, 2020
Behavioral variation in gorillas: evidence of potential cultural traits
MM Robbins, C Ando, KA Fawcett, CC Grueter, D Hedwig, Y Iwata, ...
PLoS One 11 (9), e0160483, 2016
Diet and feeding behavior of Rhinopithecus bieti at Xiaochangdu, Tibet: adaptations to a marginal environment
Z Xiang, S Huo, W Xiao, R Quan, CC Grueter
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2007
Feeding strategies of primates in temperate and alpine forests: comparison of Asian macaques and colobines
Y Tsuji, G Hanya, CC Grueter
Primates 54, 201-215, 2013
Are badges of status adaptive in large complex primate groups?
CC Grueter, K Isler, BJ Dixson
Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (5), 398-406, 2015
Evolutionary determinants of modular societies in colobines
CC Grueter, CP Van Schaik
Behavioral Ecology 21 (1), 63-71, 2010
Nested societies: Convergent adaptations of baboons and snub-nosed monkeys
CC Grueter, D Zinner
Primate Report 70, 1-98, 2004
A severe lack of evidence limits effective conservation of the world's primates
J Junker, SO Petrovan, V Arroyo-RodrÍguez, R Boonratana, D Byler, ...
BioScience 70 (9), 794-803, 2020
Choice of analytical method can have dramatic effects on primate home range estimates
CC Grueter, D Li, B Ren, F Wei
Primates 50, 81-84, 2009
The primate extinction crisis in China: immediate challenges and a way forward
B Li, M Li, J Li, P Fan, Q Ni, J Lu, X Zhou, Y Long, Z Jiang, P Zhang, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 27, 3301-3327, 2018
Dietary Profile of Rhinopithecus bieti and Its Socioecological Implications
CC Grueter, D Li, B Ren, F Wei, CP van Schaik
International Journal of Primatology 30, 601-624, 2009
Ranging of Rhinopithecus bieti in the Samage Forest, China. I. Characteristics of Range Use
CC Grueter, D Li, CP van Schaik, B Ren, Y Long, F Wei
International Journal of Primatology 29, 1121-1145, 2008
Factors influencing individual participation during intergroup interactions in mountain gorillas
MO Mirville, AR Ridley, JPM Samedi, V Vecellio, F Ndagijimana, ...
Animal Behaviour 144, 75-86, 2018
Males collectively defend their one‐male units against bachelor males in a multi‐level primate society
ZF Xiang, BH Yang, Y Yu, H Yao, CC Grueter, PA Garber, M Li
American Journal of Primatology 76 (7), 609-617, 2014
Socioecological correlates of energy balance using urinary C-peptide measurements in wild female mountain gorillas
CC Grueter, T Deschner, V Behringer, K Fawcett, MM Robbins
Physiology & Behavior 127, 13-19, 2014
Grooming and group cohesion in primates: implications for the evolution of language
CC Grueter, A Bissonnette, K Isler, CP van Schaik
Evolution and Human Behavior 34 (1), 61-68, 2013
Long‐term temporal and spatial dynamics of food availability for endangered mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda
CC Grueter, F Ndamiyabo, AJ Plumptre, D Abavandimwe, R Mundry, ...
American Journal of Primatology 75 (3), 267-280, 2013
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