Nor'Aini Yusof (Author ID: 26326019400)
Nor'Aini Yusof (Author ID: 26326019400)
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
A review paper on organizational culture and organizational performance
IY Abu-Jarad, N Yusof, D Nikbin
International journal of business and social science 1 (3), 2010
Enablers and Challenges of a Sustainable Housing Industry in Malaysia
N Zainul Abidin, NA Yusof, AAE Othman
Construction Innovation 13 (1), 10-25, 2013
Student residential satisfaction in research universities
N ‘Ulyani Mohd Najib, N Aini Yusof, N Zainul Abidin
Journal of Facilities management 9 (3), 200-212, 2011
Measuring satisfaction with student housing facilities
NUM Najib, NA Yusof, Z Osman
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4 (1), 52-60, 2011
Linking the environmental practice of construction firms and the environmental behaviour of practitioners in construction projects
NA Yusof, NZ Abidin, SHM Zailani, K Govindan, M Iranmanesh
Journal of Cleaner Production 121, 64-71, 2016
Linking team condition and team performance: A transformational leadership approach
AA Tabassi, KM Roufechaei, AHA Bakar, NA Yusof
Project Management Journal 48 (2), 22-38, 2017
Determinants and outcomes of environmental practices in Malaysian construction projects
NA Yusof, H Awang, M Iranmanesh
Journal of Cleaner Production 156, 345-354, 2017
Student satisfaction with hostel facilities in Nigerian polytechnics
PT Sawyerr, NA Yusof
Journal of Facilities Management 11 (4), 306-322, 2013
Measuring the Quality of Ecotourism Services
NA Yusof, FA Rahman, MFC Jamil, M Iranmanesh
SAGE Open 4 (2), 2014
Tenant satisfaction in public housing and its relationship with rent arrears: Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
NA Salleh, NA Yusof, AG Salleh, N Johari
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 2 (1), 10, 2011
The organizational performance of housing developers in Peninsular Malaysia
I Abu Jarad, NA Yusof, M Wira Mohd Shafiei
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 3 (2), 146-162, 2010
Going beyond environmental regulations—The influence of firm size on the effect of green practices on corporate financial performance
NA Yusof, AA Tabassi, M Esa
Corporate social responsibility and Environmental Management 27 (1), 32-42, 2020
Are innovations being created or adopted in the construction industry? Exploring innovation in the construction industry
NA Yusof, E Mustafa Kamal, L Kong-Seng, M Iranmanesh
Sage open 4 (3), 2158244014552424, 2014
A foresight into green housing industry in Malaysia
NZ Abidin, N Yusof, H Awang
International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 6 (7), 373-381, 2012
Innovation and innovativeness: difference and antecedent relationship
AM Kamaruddeen, NA Yusof, I Said
The Icfai University Journal of Architecture 2 (1), 66-78, 2010
The effects of students’ socio-physical backgrounds onto satisfaction with student housing facilities
NUM Najib, NA Yusof, NM Sani
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 62, 64-74, 2012
Innovation creation, innovation adoption, and firm characteristics in the construction industry
EM Kamal, NA Yusof, M Iranmanesh
Journal of Science & Technology Policy Management 7 (1), 43-57, 2016
Residents’ Maintenance Priorities Preference: The Case of Public Housing in Malaysia
NA Yusof, S Abdullah, S Zubedy, NUM Najib
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 62, 508-513, 2012
Strategies for urban conservation: A case example of George Town, Penang
LM Lee, YM Lim, Y Nor’Aini
Habitat International 32 (3), 293-304, 2008
External factors influencing the readiness for implementing public-private partnerships among public and private organizations in Yemen
KM Al-Shareem, NA Yusof, EM Kamal
Journal of Science & Technology Policy Management 6 (1), 56-75, 2015
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