Robert E Grimm
Robert E Grimm
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Impact craters and Venus resurfacing history
RJ Phillips, RF Raubertas, RE Arvidson, IC Sarkar, RR Herrick, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 97 (E10), 15923-15948, 1992
Venus tectonics: An overview of Magellan observations
SC Solomon, SE Smrekar, DL Bindschadler, RE Grimm, WM Kaula, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 97 (E8), 13199-13255, 1992
Water and the thermal evolution of carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies
RE Grimm, HY McSween Jr
Icarus 82 (2), 244-280, 1989
Iron meteorites as remnants of planetesimals formed in the terrestrial planet region
WF Bottke, D Nesvorný, RE Grimm, A Morbidelli, DP O'Brien
Nature 439 (7078), 821-824, 2006
Heliocentric zoning of the asteroid belt by aluminum-26 heating
RE Grimm, HY McSween Jr
Science 259 (5095), 653-655, 1993
Thermal evolution models of asteroids
HY McSween Jr, A Ghosh, RE Grimm, L Wilson, ED Young
Asteroids III 559, 559-572, 2002
Viscous relaxation of impact crater relief on Venus: Constraints on crustal thickness and thermal gradient
RE Grimm, SC Solomon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 93 (B10), 11911-11929, 1988
The role of rifting in the generation of melt: Implications for the origin and evolution of the Lada Terra‐Lavinia Planitia region of Venus
KP Magee, JW Head
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 100 (E1), 1527-1552, 1995
Hot-spot evolution and the global tectonics of Venus
RJ Phillips, RE Grimm, MC Malin
Science 252 (5006), 651-658, 1991
Radar attenuation and temperature within the Greenland Ice Sheet
JA MacGregor, J Li, JD Paden, GA Catania, GD Clow, MA Fahnestock, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (6), 983-1008, 2015
Groundwater‐controlled valley networks and the decline of surface runoff on early Mars
KP Harrison, RE Grimm
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 110 (E12), 2005
The crust of Venus
RE Grimm, PC Hess
Venus II: Geology, geophysics, atmosphere, and solar wind environment, 1205, 1997
Absorption and scattering in ground‐penetrating radar: Analysis of the Bishop Tuff
RE Grimm, E Heggy, S Clifford, C Dinwiddie, R McGinnis, D Farrell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 111 (E6), 2006
Anatomy of a Venusian hot spot: Geology, gravity, and mantle dynamics of Eistla Regio
RE Grimm, RJ Phillips
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 97 (E10), 16035-16054, 1992
New observations of martian southern mid-latitude recurring slope lineae (RSL) imply formation by freshwater subsurface flows
DE Stillman, TI Michaels, RE Grimm, KP Harrison
Icarus 233, 328-341, 2014
Thermal constraints on the early history of the H-chondrite parent body reconsidered
KP Harrison, RE Grimm
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (18), 5410-5423, 2010
Observations and modeling of northern mid-latitude recurring slope lineae (RSL) suggest recharge by a present-day martian briny aquifer
DE Stillman, TI Michaels, RE Grimm, J Hanley
Icarus 265, 125-138, 2016
Farside explorer: unique science from a mission to the farside of the moon
D Mimoun, MA Wieczorek, L Alkalai, WB Banerdt, D Baratoux, ...
Experimental Astronomy 33, 529-585, 2012
Low-frequency electrical properties of ice− silicate mixtures
DE Stillman, RE Grimm, SF Dec
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (18), 6065-6073, 2010
Rheological constraints on Martian landslides
KP Harrison, RE Grimm
Icarus 163 (2), 347-362, 2003
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