Anurudda Kumara Karunarathna
Anurudda Kumara Karunarathna
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Improvement of heavy metal removal from urban runoff using modified pervious concrete
P Wijeyawardana, N Nanayakkara, C Gunasekara, A Karunarathna, ...
Science of The Total Environment 815, 152936, 2022
Interface interactions between insecticide carbofuran and tea waste biochars produced at different pyrolysis temperatures
SS Mayakaduwaa, V Meththika, A Karunarathna, M Dinesh, YS Ok
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 28 (1-4), 110-118, 2016
Seasonal variations in leachate characteristics from municipal solid waste dumpsites in India and Srilanka
S Esakku, OP Karthikeyan, K Joseph, R Nagendran, K Palanivelu, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste …, 2007
Removal of Cu, Pb and Zn from stormwater using an industrially manufactured sawdust and paddy husk derived biochar
P Wijeyawardana, N Nanayakkara, C Gunasekara, A Karunarathna, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 28, 102640, 2022
Two-region model for soil water repellency as a function of matric potential and water content
AK Karunarathna, P Moldrup, K Kawamoto, LW de Jonge, T Komatsu
Vadose Zone Journal 9 (3), 719-730, 2010
Ascertaining of optimum pyrolysis conditions in producing refuse tea biochar as a soil amendment
H Amarasinghe, SK Gunathilake, AK Karunarathna
Procedia Food Science 6, 97-102, 2016
Urban mining and sustainable waste management
SK Ghosh
Springer, 2020
Performance of biochar mixed cement paste for removal of Cu, Pb and Zn from stormwater
P Wijeyawardana, N Nanayakkara, D Law, C Gunasekara, ...
Environmental Research 232, 116331, 2023
A simple beta-function model for soil-water repellency as a function of water and organic carbon contents
AK Karunarathna, K Kawamoto, P Moldrup, LW de Jonge, T Komatsu
Soil science 175 (10), 461-468, 2010
Evaluating sustainable options for valorization of rice by-products in Sri Lanka: An approach for a circular business model
W Illankoon, C Milanese, AK Karunarathna, KDHE Liyanage, ...
Agronomy 13 (3), 803, 2023
Extensions to Michaelis-Menten kinetics for single parameters
RTK Ariyawansha, BFA Basnayake, AK Karunarathna, MIM Mowjood
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16586, 2018
Design and development of a double-chamber down draft (DcDD) pyrolyzer for Biochar Production from Rice Husk
A Alahakoon, AK Karunarathna, RS Dharmakeerthi, F Silva
Journal of Biosystems Engineering 47 (4), 458-467, 2022
Mini tensiometer‐time domain reflectometry coil probe for measuring soil water retention properties
S Subedi, K Kawamoto, AK Karunarathna, P Moldrup, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (5), 1517-1528, 2013
Development of a Dual-Chamber Pyrolizer for Biochar Production from Agricultural Waste in Sri Lanka
IWAM A. N., M Chiara, AK Karunarathna, AMYW Alahakoon, ...
Energies 16 (4), 1819, 2023
Municipal solid waste composting: potentials and constraints
GGDLW Samarasingha, M Bandara, AK Karunarathna
Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute: Colombo, 2015
Effect of coconut coir-pith supplement on nitrogen and phosphate removal in subsurface flow wetland microcosms
N Tanaka, AK Karunarathna, K Jindasa
Chemistry and Ecology 24 (1), 15-22, 2008
Evaluating the performance of cement-modified biochar adsorbent for Cu, Pb and Zn removal from urban stormwater
P Wijeyawardana, N Nanayakkara, D Law, C Gunasekara, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 186, 1419-1431, 2024
Permeable reactive barriers as an in situ groundwater remediation technique for open solid waste dumpsites: a review and prospect
R Jayasundara, KPP Udayagee, AK Karunarathna, PM Manage, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 234 (1), 50, 2023
Changes in structural and chemical properties of rice husk biochar co-pyrolysed with Eppawala rock phosphate under different temperatures
D Dissanayake, RS Dharmakeerthi, AK Karunarathna, WS Dandeniya
Tropical Agricultural Research 30 (1), 2018
Construction and evaluation of a low cost, waste polyethylene based liner for small landfills
H Gunarathna, ASB Kapukotuwa, AK Karunarathna, BFA Basnayake
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste …, 2007
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