John E. Mathieu
John E. Mathieu
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
A review and meta-analysis of the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of organizational commitment.
JE Mathieu, DM Zajac
Psychological bulletin 108 (2), 171, 1990
A temporally based framework and taxonomy of team processes
MA Marks, JE Mathieu, SJ Zaccaro
Academy of management review 26 (3), 356-376, 2001
Team effectiveness 1997-2007: A review of recent advancements and a glimpse into the future
J Mathieu, MT Maynard, T Rapp, L Gilson
Journal of management 34 (3), 410-476, 2008
The influence of shared mental models on team process and performance.
JE Mathieu, TS Heffner, GF Goodwin, E Salas, JA Cannon-Bowers
Journal of applied psychology 85 (2), 273, 2000
Goal orientation in organizational research: A conceptual and empirical foundation
SB Button, JE Mathieu, DM Zajac
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 67 (1), 26-48, 1996
To empower or not to empower your sales force? An empirical examination of the influence of leadership empowerment behavior on customer satisfaction and performance.
M Ahearne, J Mathieu, A Rapp
Journal of Applied psychology 90 (5), 945, 2005
Influences of individual and situational characteristics on measures of training effectiveness
JE Mathieu, SI Tannenbaum, E Salas
Academy of management journal 35 (4), 828-847, 1992
Building theoretical and empirical bridges across levels: Multilevel research in management
MA Hitt, PW Beamish, SE Jackson, JE Mathieu
Academy of Management journal 50 (6), 1385-1399, 2007
A meta‐analysis of teamwork processes: Tests of a multidimensional model and relationships with team effectiveness criteria
JA LePine, RF Piccolo, CL Jackson, JE Mathieu, JR Saul
Personnel psychology 61 (2), 273-307, 2008
Clarifying conditions and decision points for mediational type inferences in organizational behavior
JE Mathieu, SR Taylor
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2006
Meeting trainees' expectations: The influence of training fulfillment on the development of commitment, self-efficacy, and motivation.
SI Tannenbaum, JE Mathieu, E Salas, JA Cannon-Bowers
Journal of applied psychology 76 (6), 759, 1991
Performance implications of leader briefings and team-interaction training for team adaptation to novel environments.
MA Marks, SJ Zaccaro, JE Mathieu
Journal of applied psychology 85 (6), 971, 2000
Further evidence for the discriminant validity of measures of organizational commitment, job involvement, and job satisfaction.
JE Mathieu, JL Farr
Journal of applied psychology 76 (1), 127, 1991
A meta-analysis of different forms of shared leadership–team performance relations
L D’Innocenzo, JE Mathieu, MR Kukenberger
Journal of management 42 (7), 1964-1991, 2016
The dimensions and antecedents of team virtuality
BL Kirkman, JE Mathieu
Journal of management 31 (5), 700-718, 2005
A century of work teams in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
JE Mathieu, JR Hollenbeck, D van Knippenberg, DR Ilgen
Journal of applied psychology 102 (3), 452, 2017
Empowerment and team effectiveness: An empirical test of an integrated model.
JE Mathieu, LL Gilson, TM Ruddy
Journal of applied psychology 91 (1), 97, 2006
Empowerment—fad or fab? A multilevel review of the past two decades of research
MT Maynard, LL Gilson, JE Mathieu
Journal of management 38 (4), 1231-1281, 2012
Creativity and standardization: complementary or conflicting drivers of team effectiveness?
LL Gilson, JE Mathieu, CE Shalley, TM Ruddy
Academy of Management journal 48 (3), 521-531, 2005
Individual and situational influences on the development of self‐efficacy: implications for training effectiveness
JE Mathieu, JW Martineau, SI Tannenbaum
Personnel psychology 46 (1), 125-147, 1993
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