Andrea Cavalli
Andrea Cavalli
University of Cambridge, UK. IRB Bellinzona, Switzerland
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Protein structure determination from NMR chemical shifts
A Cavalli, X Salvatella, CM Dobson, M Vendruscolo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (23), 9615-9620, 2007
Androgen-deprivation therapies for prostate cancer and risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2: a population-based study (N= 4532)
M Montopoli, S Zumerle, R Vettor, M Rugge, M Zorzi, CV Catapano, ...
Annals of Oncology 31 (8), 1040-1045, 2020
Structure of an intermediate state in protein folding and aggregation
P Neudecker, P Robustelli, A Cavalli, P Walsh, P Lundström, ...
Science 336 (6079), 362-366, 2012
Fast and accurate predictions of protein NMR chemical shifts from interatomic distances
KJ Kohlhoff, P Robustelli, A Cavalli, X Salvatella, M Vendruscolo
J Am Chem Soc 131 (39), 13894-13895, 2009
Prediction of aggregation rate and aggregation‐prone segments in polypeptide sequences
GG Tartaglia, A Cavalli, R Pellarin, A Caflisch
Protein science 14 (10), 2723-2734, 2009
Metainference: A Bayesian inference method for heterogeneous systems
M Bonomi, C Camilloni, A Cavalli, M Vendruscolo
Science advances 2 (1), e1501177, 2016
Molecular dynamics simulations with replica-averaged structural restraints generate structural ensembles according to the maximum entropy principle
A Cavalli, C Camilloni, M Vendruscolo
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 094112, 2013
The role of aromaticity, exposed surface, and dipole moment in determining protein aggregation rates
GG Tartaglia, A Cavalli, R Pellarin, A Caflisch
Protein science 13 (7), 1939-1941, 2009
Compartmentalized activities of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex sustain lipogenesis in prostate cancer
J Chen, I Guccini, D Di Mitri, D Brina, A Revandkar, M Sarti, E Pasquini, ...
Nature genetics 50 (2), 219-228, 2018
Using NMR chemical shifts as structural restraints in molecular dynamics simulations of proteins
P Robustelli, K Kohlhoff, A Cavalli, M Vendruscolo
Structure 18 (8), 923-933, 2010
Dynamic binding mode of a Synaptotagmin-1–SNARE complex in solution
KD Brewer, T Bacaj, A Cavalli, C Camilloni, JD Swarbrick, J Liu, A Zhou, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 22 (7), 555-564, 2015
A coupled equilibrium shift mechanism in calmodulin-mediated signal transduction
J Gsponer, J Christodoulou, A Cavalli, JM Bui, B Richter, CM Dobson, ...
Structure 16 (5), 736-746, 2008
A human bi-specific antibody against Zika virus with high therapeutic potential
J Wang, M Bardelli, DA Espinosa, M Pedotti, TS Ng, S Bianchi, ...
Cell 171 (1), 229-241. e15, 2017
Structural biology of STAT3 and its implications for anticancer therapies development
J Sgrignani, M Garofalo, M Matkovic, J Merulla, CV Catapano, A Cavalli
International journal of molecular sciences 19 (6), 1591, 2018
Recognition and inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 by humoral innate immunity pattern recognition molecules
M Stravalaci, I Pagani, EM Paraboschi, M Pedotti, A Doni, F Scavello, ...
Nature immunology 23 (2), 275-286, 2022
Accurate random coil chemical shifts from an analysis of loop regions in native states of proteins
A De Simone, A Cavalli, STD Hsu, W Vranken, M Vendruscolo
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (45), 16332-16333, 2009
Characterization of the conformational equilibrium between the two major substates of RNase A using NMR chemical shifts
C Camilloni, P Robustelli, AD Simone, A Cavalli, M Vendruscolo
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (9), 3968-3971, 2012
Weak temperature dependence of the free energy surface and folding pathways of structured peptides
A Cavalli, P Ferrara, A Caflisch
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 47 (3), 305-314, 2002
Blind testing of routine, fully automated determination of protein structures from NMR data
A Rosato, JM Aramini, C Arrowsmith, A Bagaria, D Baker, A Cavalli, ...
Structure 20 (2), 227-236, 2012
DDR1 role in fibrosis and its pharmacological targeting
S Moll, A Desmoulière, MJ Moeller, JC Pache, L Badi, F Arcadu, H Richter, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1866 (11), 118474, 2019
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