Rahmat Perdana
Rahmat Perdana
Universitas Jambi
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Identification of student attitudes toward physics learning at Batanghari District high school
DA Kurniawan, R Perdana, D Kurniasari
The Educational Review, USA 2 (9), 2018
Identifikasi sikap peserta didik terhadap mata pelajaran fisika di sekolah menengah atas negeri 5 Kota Jambi
A Astalini, DA Kurniawan, R Perdana, H Pathoni
UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal 8 (1), 34-43, 2019
Multimedia innovation 4.0 in education: E-modul ethnoconstructivism
S Asrial, DA Kurniawan, F Chan, R Septianingsih, R Perdana
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7 (10), 2098-2107, 2019
A Study Relationship Attitude Toward Physics, Motivation, and Character Discipline Students Senior High School in Indonesia
D Darmaji, A Astalini, D Dwi Agus Kurniawan, R Perdana, DS Putra
International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2019
Identification Attitudes of Learners on Physics Subjects
Astalini, DA Kurniawan, R Perdana, W Kurniawan
EST Journal of Educational Science and Technology 5 (1), 39-48, 2019
Increased behavior of students’ attitudes to cultural values using the inquiry learning model assisted by ethnoconstructivism
S Syahrial, A Asrial, DA Kurniawan, P Nugroho, R Septiasari, RA Pratama, ...
Journal of Educational Science and Technology 5 (2), 166-175, 2019
E-Assessment Motivation in Physics Subjects for Senior High School.
A Astalini, DA Kurniawan, U Sulistiyo, R Perdana, S Susbiyanto
International Journal of Online Engineering 15 (11), 4-15, 2019
Hubungan sikap dan percaya diri siswa pada mata pelajaran ipa di sekolah menengah pertama
L Anggraini, R Perdana
SPEKTRA: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Sains 5 (2), 188-199, 2019
Characteristics Of Students' Attitude To Physics In Muaro Jambi High School
R Astalini, Astalini., Kurniawan, D. A., Darmaji, Darmaji., Sholihah, L. R ...
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7 (2), 91-99, 2019
Description of the Dimensions Attitude towards Science in Junior High School of Muaro Jambi
A Astalini, D Darmaji, D Dwi Agus Kurniawan, D Alfika
International Journal Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2019
Motivation and Attitude of Students on Physics Subject in the Middle School in Indonesia.
H Pathoni, W Kurniawan, DA Kurniawan, R Perdana
International Education Studies 12 (9), 15-26, 2019
Evaluation of Students' Interest, Attitudes, and Science Process Skills in Science Subjects
MDW Ernawati, A Asrial, R Perdana, SE Septi, S Rohana, AM Nawahdani
Journal of Education Research and Evaluation 6 (1), 181-194, 2022
Do a science process skills affect on critical thinking in science? Differences in urban and rural
DA Darmaji, Kurniawan, Astalini, R Perdana, Kuswanto, M Ikhlas
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) 9 (4 …, 2020
Supporting assessment in education: E-assessment interest in physics
D Maison, K Astalini, S DA, R Perdana
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (1), 89-97, 2020
Supporting Technology 4.0: Ethoconstructivist Multimedia for Elementary Schools.
DA Kurniawan, R Perdana, P Nugroho
International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering 15 (14), 2019
Towards improving the critical thinking skills of pre-service teachers in Indonesia
S Syahrial, A Asrial, DA Kurniawan, RA Pratama
Journal of education and Learning (Edulearn) 13 (4), 575-582, 2019
Evaluation of Students Attitudes and Science Process Skills toward Middle School Science Subject in Indonesia
MDW Ernawati, A Asrial, R Perdana, SE Septi, R Rahmi
Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif 11 (2), 258-274, 2021
Identifying the Mastery of Research Statistical Concept by Using Problem-Based Learning.
S Susbiyanto, DA Kurniawan, R Perdana, C Riantoni
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 8 (3), 461-469, 2019
Analysis of the relationship of religious character, perseverance and learning motivation of Junior High School Students
A Amin, A Alimni, DA Kurniawan, R Perdana, WA Pratama, E Triani
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research 3 (4), 536-547, 2022
Associative and Comparative Study on Students’ Perseverance and Religious in Islamic Education Subject
A Amin, A Alimni
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