Patrick Mayrhofer
Patrick Mayrhofer
Insitut für Sensor- und Aktuator Systeme
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
High performance AlScN thin film based surface acoustic wave devices with large electromechanical coupling coefficient
W Wang, PM Mayrhofer, X He, M Gillinger, Z Ye, X Wang, A Bittner, ...
Applied physics letters 105 (13), 2014
Microstructure and piezoelectric response of YxAl1− xN thin films
PM Mayrhofer, H Riedl, H Euchner, M Stöger-Pollach, PH Mayrhofer, ...
Acta Materialia 100, 81-89, 2015
ScAlN MEMS cantilevers for vibrational energy harvesting purposes
PM Mayrhofer, C Rehlendt, M Fischeneder, M Kucera, E Wistrela, ...
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 26 (1), 102-112, 2016
Circular test structure for the determination of piezoelectric constants of ScxAl1− xN thin films applying Laser Doppler Vibrometry and FEM simulations
PM Mayrhofer, H Euchner, A Bittner, U Schmid
Sensors and actuators A: Physical 222, 301-308, 2015
The impact of argon admixture on the c-axis oriented growth of direct current magnetron sputtered ScxAl1− xN thin films
PM Mayrhofer, C Eisenmenger-Sittner, M Stöger-Pollach, H Euchner, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (19), 2014
AlScN thin film based surface acoustic wave devices with enhanced microfluidic performance
WB Wang, YQ Fu, JJ Chen, WP Xuan, JK Chen, XZ Wang, P Mayrhofer, ...
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 26 (7), 075006, 2016
Properties of ScxAl1-xN (x = 0.27) thin films on sapphire and silicon substrates upon high temperature loading
PM Mayrhofer, POÅ Persson, A Bittner, U Schmid
Microsystem Technologies 22, 1679-1689, 2016
Impedance spectroscopy of Al/AlN/n-Si metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structures
R Schmidt, P Mayrhofer, U Schmid, A Bittner
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (8), 2019
Impact of sputter deposition parameters on the microstructural and piezoelectric properties of CrxAl1− xN thin films
E Wistrela, I Schmied, M Schneider, M Gillinger, PM Mayrhofer, A Bittner, ...
Thin Solid Films 648, 76-82, 2018
Fabrication and characterisation of ScAlN-based piezoelectric MEMS cantilevers
PM Mayrhofer, E Wistrela, M Kucera, A Bittner, U Schmid
2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors …, 2015
Influence of c-axis orientation and scandium concentration on infrared active modes of magnetron sputtered ScxAl1− xN thin films
PM Mayrhofer, C Eisenmenger-Sittner, H Euchner, A Bittner, U Schmid
Applied Physics Letters 103 (25), 2013
Precise determination of d33 and d31 from piezoelectric deflection measurements and 2D FEM simulations applied to ScxAl1-xN
PM Mayrhofer, E Wistrela, M Schneider, A Bittner, U Schmid
Procedia Engineering 168, 876-879, 2016
High temperature stability of ScxAl1-xN (x= 0.27) thin films
PM Mayrhofer, A Bittner, U Schmid
Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VII; and Cyber Physical Systems 9517, 328-334, 2015
Fast method for the calculation of surface bending on circular multilayered piezoelectric structures
T Voglhuber-Brunnmaier, EK Reichel, B Jakoby, R Beigelbeck, ...
2016 IEEE SENSORS, 1-3, 2016
Circular patterned test structures for precise determination of piezoelectric thin film constants: Application to ScxAl1-xN
PM Mayrhofer, H Euchner, A Bittner, U Schmid
Procedia Engineering 87, 112-115, 2014
Piezoelectric MEMS: Material Aspects and Devices
M Schneider, P Mayrhofer, M Gillinger, G Pfusterschmied, U Schmid
Scandium Aluminium Nitride for MEMS Applications
P Mayrhofer, C Rehlendt, A Bittner, M Schneider, U Schmid
nanoFIS 2016-2nd International Conference on Functional integrated nano Systems, 2016
Scandium Aluminium Nitrid für MEMS Anwendungen---Poster
P Mayrhofer, C Rehlendt, A Bittner, U Schmid
OVE Schriftenreihe, 23, 2016
Erhöhung der piezoelektrischen Koeffizienten von gesputterten AlN-Dünnfilmen durch Dotieren mit Übergangsmetallen für MEMS
P Mayrhofer
Technische Universität Wien, 2016
Piezoelectric Constant Determination of ScxAl1-xN via a Combination of Laser Doppler Vibrometry and FEM Simulation: Circular test structures
P Mayrhofer, A Bittner, U Schmid
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