Duc Khanh Tran
Duc Khanh Tran
Tuntematon yhteys
Ei vahvistettua sähköpostiosoitetta
On superposition-based satisfiability procedures and their combination
H Kirchner, S Ranise, C Ringeissen, DK Tran
International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, 594-608, 2005
Nelson-Oppen, Shostak and the extended canonizer: A family picture with a newborn
S Ranise, C Ringeissen, DK Tran
International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, 372-386, 2004
Automatic decidability and combinability revisited
C Lynch, DK Tran
Automated Deduction–CADE-21: 21st International Conference on Automated …, 2007
Automatic decidability and combinability
C Lynch, S Ranise, C Ringeissen, DK Tran
Information and Computation 209 (7), 1026-1047, 2011
Extending fuzzy logics with many hedges
DK Tran
Fuzzy sets and systems 345, 126-138, 2018
Automatic combinability of rewriting-based satisfiability procedures
H Kirchner, S Ranise, C Ringeissen, DK Tran
Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning: 13th …, 2006
Combination of convex theories: Modularity, deduction completeness, and explanation
DK Tran, C Ringeissen, S Ranise, H Kirchner
Journal of Symbolic Computation 45 (2), 261-286, 2010
Programmation par règles et stratégies pour la génération automatique de mécanismes de combustion d'hydrocarbures polycycliques
L Ibănescu
Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2004
A simplified method for the study of saturation in ac machines
J Robert, DK Tran
Modelling and simulation of electrical machines and power systems, 129-136, 1988
Anomaly detection in POSTFIX mail log using principal component analysis
CP Tran, DK Tran
2018 10th International Conference On Knowledge And Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2018
Smels: Satisfiability modulo equality with lazy superposition
C Lynch, DK Tran
International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2008
Combining proof-producing decision procedures
S Ranise, C Ringeissen, DK Tran
Frontiers of Combining Systems: 6th International Symposium, FroCoS 2007 …, 2007
Resolution in linguistic first order logic based on linear symmetrical hedge algebra
TMT Nguyen, VT Vu, TV Doan, DK Tran
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based …, 2014
Resolution in linguistic propositional logic based on linear symmetrical hedge algebra
TMT Nguyen, VT Vu, TV Doan, DK Tran
Knowledge and Systems Engineering: Proceedings of the Fifth International …, 2013
Fuzzy linguistic propositional logic based on refined hedge algebra
DK Tran, VT Vu, TV Doan, MT Nguyen
2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-8, 2013
Conception de procédures de décision par combinaison et saturation
DK Tran
Université Henri Poincaré-Nancy I, 2007
Resolution Method in Linguistic Propositional Logic
DK Tran
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (1 …, 2016
Building and Combining Satisfiability Procedures for Software Verification
H Kirchner, S Ranise, C Ringeissen, DK Tran
Third Taiwanese-French Conference on Information Technology (TFIT), 125--139, 2006
Beneficial effects of pulmonary embolism response team establishment in patients with pulmonary embolism in a developing country: a single-center experience
TD Bui, DK Tran, VH Vu, H Tran, MK Le, QB Truong, NT Hiep, NM Duc
La Clinica Terapeutica 174 (6), 2023
Fuzzy linguistic first order logic based on refined hedge algebra
DK Tran, MT Nguyen
2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1156-1163, 2014
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