Henry Chueh
Henry Chueh
Muut nimetHenry C Chueh
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
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Serving the enterprise and beyond with informatics for integrating biology and the bedside (i2b2)
SN Murphy, G Weber, M Mendis, V Gainer, HC Chueh, S Churchill, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17 (2), 124-130, 2010
Calculating the benefits of a research patient data repository
R Nalichowski, D Keogh, HC Chueh, SN Murphy
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2006, 1044, 2006
A controlled trial of web-based diabetes disease management: the MGH diabetes primary care improvement project
JB Meigs, E Cagliero, A Dubey, P Murphy-Sheehy, C Gildesgame, ...
Diabetes care 26 (3), 750-757, 2003
Architecture of the open-source clinical research chart from Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside
SN Murphy, M Mendis, K Hackett, R Kuttan, W Pan, LC Phillips, V Gainer, ...
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2007, 548, 2007
Clinical inertia in the management of type 2 diabetes metabolic risk factors
RW Grant, E Cagliero, AK Dubey, C Gildesgame, HC Chueh, MJ Barry, ...
Diabetic Medicine 21 (2), 150-155, 2004
Coding systems in health care
JJ Cimino
Methods of information in medicine 35 (04/05), 273-284, 1996
Medical subdomain classification of clinical notes using a machine learning-based natural language processing approach
WH Weng, KB Wagholikar, AT McCray, P Szolovits, HC Chueh
BMC medical informatics and decision making 17, 1-13, 2017
Integration of clinical and genetic data in the i2b2 architecture
SN Murphy, ME Mendis, DA Berkowitz, I Kohane, HC Chueh
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2006, 1040, 2006
Maintaining the confidentiality of medical records shared over the Internet and the World Wide Web
DM Rind, IS Kohane, P Szolovits, C Safran, HC Chueh, GO Barnett
Annals of Internal Medicine 127 (2), 138-141, 1997
“Just-in-time” clinical information
H Chueh, GO Barnett
Academic Medicine 72 (6), 512-7, 1997
A security architecture for query tools used to access large biomedical databases
SN Murphy, HC Chueh
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, 552, 2002
Instrumenting the health care enterprise for discovery research in the genomic era
S Murphy, S Churchill, L Bry, H Chueh, S Weiss, R Lazarus, Q Zeng, ...
Genome research 19 (9), 1675-1681, 2009
Design and implementation of an application and associated services to support interdisciplinary medication reconciliation efforts at an integrated healthcare delivery network
EG Poon, B Blumenfeld, C Hamann, A Turchin, E Graydon-Baker, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 13 (6), 581-592, 2006
Predictors of antiretroviral treatment failure in an urban HIV clinic
GK Robbins, B Daniels, H Zheng, H Chueh, JB Meigs, KA Freedberg
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 44 (1), 30-37, 2007
Online medical records: a decade of experience
C Safran, DZ Sands, DM Rind
Methods of information in medicine 38 (04/05), 308-312, 1999
Randomized controlled trial of an informatics-based intervention to increase statin prescription for secondary prevention of coronary disease
WT Lester, RW Grant, GO Barnett, HC Chueh
Journal of general internal medicine 21, 22-29, 2006
A controlled trial of population management: diabetes mellitus: putting evidence into practice (DM-PEP)
RW Grant, E Cagliero, CM Sullivan, AK Dubey, GA Estey, EM Weil, ...
Diabetes care 27 (10), 2299-2305, 2004
Sharing electronic medical records across multiple heterogeneous and competing institutions
IS Kohane, FJ Van Wingerde, JC Fackler, C Cimino, P Kilbridge, ...
Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Fall Symposium, 608, 1996
A self-scaling, distributed information architecture for public health, research, and clinical care
AJ McMurry, CA Gilbert, BY Reis, HC Chueh, IS Kohane, KD Mandl
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 14 (4), 527-533, 2007
Linking electronic health record-extracted psychosocial data in real-time to risk of readmission for heart failure
AJ Watson, J O'Rourke, K Jethwani, A Cami, TA Stern, JC Kvedar, ...
Psychosomatics 52 (4), 319-327, 2011
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