Giorgio De Angelis
Giorgio De Angelis
Altran Italia S.p.A.
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Electrospun bioresorbable heart valve scaffold for tissue engineering
C Del Gaudio, M Grigioni, A Bianco, G De Angelis
The International journal of artificial organs 31 (1), 68-75, 2008
Capacitive RF MEMS switches with tantalum-based materials
A Persano, A Cola, G De Angelis, A Taurino, P Siciliano, F Quaranta
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 20 (2), 365-370, 2011
Mechanical modelling of capacitive RF MEMS shunt switches
R Marcelli, A Lucibello, G De Angelis, E Proietti, D Comastri
Microsystem technologies 16, 1057-1064, 2010
Reliability of RF MEMS switches due to charging effects and their circuital modelling
R Marcelli, G Bartolucci, G Papaioannu, G De Angelis, A Lucibello, ...
Microsystem technologies 16, 1111-1118, 2010
Reliability of RF MEMS capacitive and ohmic switches for space redundancy configurations
A Lucibello, R Marcelli, E Proietti, G Bartolucci, V Mulloni, B Margesin
Microsystem Technologies 21, 1903-1913, 2015
Ta2O5 Thin Films for Capacitive RF MEMS Switches
A Persano, F Quaranta, A Cola, A Taurino, G De Angelis, R Marcelli, ...
Journal of Sensors 2010 (1), 487061, 2010
Cycling reliability of RF-MEMS switches with Gold–Platinum multilayers as contact material
V Mulloni, B Margesin, P Farinelli, R Marcelli, A Lucibello, G De Angelis
Microsystem Technologies 23, 3843-3850, 2017
Dielectric charging in microwave microelectromechanical Ohmic series and capacitive shunt switches
R Marcelli, G Papaioannu, S Catoni, G De Angelis, A Lucibello, E Proietti, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (11), 2009
Hardware prototyping and validation of a W-ΔDOR digital signal processor
GC Cardarilli, L Di Nunzio, R Fazzolari, D Giardino, M Matta, M Re, L Iess, ...
Applied Sciences 9 (14), 2909, 2019
RF MEMS switches fabrication by using SU-8 technology
A Lucibello, E Proietti, F Giacomozzi, R Marcelli, G Bartolucci, ...
Microsystem technologies 19 (6), 929-936, 2013
Analytic modeling of RF MEMS shunt connected capacitive switches
G Bartolucci, GD Angelis, A Lucibello, R Marcelli, E Proietti
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 26 (8-9), 1168-1179, 2012
Composite Right/Left Handed (CRLH) based devices for microwave applications
A Lucibello, G De Angelis, AA Muller, AC Buneat
Advanced Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies: Semiconductor Devices …, 2010
High performance RF-MEMS SP4T switches in CPW technology for space applications
F Casini, P Farinelli, G Mannocchi, S DiNardo, B Margesin, G De Angelis, ...
The 40th European Microwave Conference, 89-92, 2010
MORE and Juno Ka-band transponder design, performance, qualification and in-flight validation
S Ciarcia, L Simone, D Gelfusa, P Colucci, G De Angelis, F Argentieri, ...
6th ESA International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems …, 2013
RF MEMS ohmic switches for matrix configurations
G De Angelis, A Lucibello, E Proietti, R Marcelli, G Bartolucci, F Casini, ...
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 4 (4), 421-433, 2012
Packaged single pole double thru (SPDT) and true time delay lines (TTDL) based on RF MEMS switches
G De Angelis, A Lucibello, R Marcelli, S Catoni, A Lanciano, R Buttiglione, ...
2008 International Semiconductor Conference 1, 227-230, 2008
Dynamics of RF micro-mechanical capacitive shunt switches in coplanar waveguide configuration
R Marcelli, D Comastri, A Lucibello, G De Angelis, E Proietti, G Bartolucci
Microelectromechanical systems and devices 10, 28251, 2012
Development of capacitive RF MEMS switches with TaN and Ta2O5 thin films
A Persano, F Quaranta, A Cola, G De Angelis, R Marcelli, P Siciliano
Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS V 8066, 259-264, 2011
Alumina and LTCC technology for RF MEMS switches and true time delay lines
R Buttiglione, S Catoni, G De Angelis, M Dispenza, A Fiorello, K Kautio, ...
2008 European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference, 366-369, 2008
Design and technology of micro-machined coplanar grounded wave-guides
G De Angelis, A Lucibello, E Proietti, R Marcelli, G Bartolucci
IET microwaves, antennas & propagation 6 (5), 497-504, 2012
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