Stefan Platikanov
Stefan Platikanov
researcher, CSIC
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Comparison of the variable importance in projection (VIP) and of the selectivity ratio (SR) methods for variable selection and interpretation
M Farrés, S Platikanov, S Tsakovski, R Tauler
Journal of Chemometrics 29 (10), 528-536, 2015
Detection of olive oil adulteration using FT-IR spectroscopy and PLS with variable importance of projection (VIP) scores
A Oussama, F Elabadi, S Platikanov, F Kzaiber, R Tauler
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 89, 1807-1812, 2012
FTIR spectroscopy and PLS-DA classification and prediction of four commercial grade virgin olive oils from Morocco
A Hirri, M Bassbasi, S Platikanov, R Tauler, A Oussama
Food Analytical Methods 9, 974-981, 2016
Study of motor oil adulteration by infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics methods
M Bassbasi, A Hafid, S Platikanov, R Tauler, A Oussama
Fuel 104, 798-804, 2013
FTIR-ATR determination of solid non fat (SNF) in raw milk using PLS and SVM chemometric methods
M Bassbasi, S Platikanov, R Tauler, A Oussama
Food chemistry 146, 250-254, 2014
Influence of minerals on the taste of bottled and tap water: A chemometric approach
S Platikanov, V Garcia, I Fonseca, E Rullán, R Devesa, R Tauler
Water research 47 (2), 693-704, 2013
Introduction of Wild Golden Root (Rhodiola rosea L.) As A Potential Economic Crop in Bulgaria
S Platikanov, L Evstatieva
Economic Botany 62, 621-627, 2008
Chemometric modeling and prediction of trihalomethane formation in Barcelona's water works plant
S Platikanov, X Puig, J Martín, R Tauler
Water Research 41 (15), 3394-3406, 2007
Predicting consumer preferences for mineral composition of bottled and tap water
S Platikanov, A Hernández, S González, JL Cortina, R Tauler, R Devesa
Talanta 162, 1-9, 2017
Chemometrics quality assessment of wastewater treatment plant effluents using physicochemical parameters and UV absorption measurements
S Platikanov, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, B Huerta, D Barceló, J Cros, M Batle, ...
Journal of environmental management 140, 33-44, 2014
Flavonoids from Astragalus hamosus
I Krasteva, S Platikanov, S Nikolov, M Kaloga
Natural Product Research 21 (5), 392-395, 2007
Factorial analysis of the trihalomethane formation in the reaction of colloidal, hydrophobic, and transphilic fractions of DOM with free chlorine
S Platikanov, R Tauler, PMSM Rodrigues, MCG Antunes, D Pereira, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17, 1389-1400, 2010
Linear and non-linear chemometric modeling of THM formation in Barcelona's water treatment plant
S Platikanov, J Martín, R Tauler
Science of the Total Environment 432, 365-374, 2012
Chemometric analysis for river water quality assessment at the intake of drinking water treatment plants
S Platikanov, D Baquero, S González, J Martín-Alonso, M Paraira, ...
Science of the Total Environment 667, 552-562, 2019
Volatiles from four Astragalus species: phenological changes and their chemotaxonomical application
S Platikanov, S Nikolov, D Pavlova, L Evstatieva, S Popov
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 60 (7-8), 591-599, 2005
Integration of Ultraviolet–Visible spectral and physicochemical data in chemometrics analysis for improved discrimination of water sources and blends for application to the …
R López-Roldán, S Platikanov, J Martín-Alonso, R Tauler, S González, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 4789-4798, 2016
Phytochemical analysis and in vitro cytotoxic activity of volatiles from Astragalus corniculatus
I Krasteva, S Platikanov, G Momekov, S Konstantinov, S Nikolov
Natural Product Research 22 (11), 969-974, 2008
Cytotoxic activity of volatiles from four Astragalus species
G Momekov, I Krasteva, S Platikanov, S Nikolov, S Konstantinov
Dokladi na b lgarskata akademiâ na naukite 60, 1023-1026, 2007
Photostability study of multicomponent drug formulations via MCR-ALS: The case of the hydrochlorothiazide-amiloride mixture
M De Luca, G Ioele, F Grande, S Platikanov, R Tauler, G Ragno
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 186, 113332, 2020
Understanding temporal and spatial changes of O3 or NO2 concentrations combining multivariate data analysis methods and air quality transport models
S Platikanov, M Terrado, MT Pay, A Soret, R Tauler
Science of the Total Environment 806, 150923, 2022
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