Satasiya R M (RTTC)
Satasiya R M (RTTC)
JAU, Junagadh
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on shelf life of sapota fruit
DK Antala, RM Satasiya, PD Akabari, JV Bhuva, RA Gupta, PM Chauhan
Intl J Agric Sci Technol 2 (1), 32-38, 2014
Design, development and performance evaluation of transportation container for sapota fruit
DK Antala, RM Satasiya, PM Chauhan
Journal of Food Science and Technology 58, 4024-4033, 2021
Development and testing of seed-cum- fertilizer drilling attachment to tractor driven cultivator
PMRBM 4. Gupta, R.A., R.M. Satasiya
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 35 (2), 15-20, 2004
Effect of packaging on storage behaviour of chickpea grain
RM Satasiya, DK Antala, MA Sojitra, AV Kothiya, PM Chauhan
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 10 (1), 1575-1584, 2021
Sweet corn crop (Zea mays L.) performance under various irrigation water management strategies
PH Rank, RM Satasiya
J. Pharm. Innov 11 (6), 1525-1531, 2022
Performance of plastic mulch on papaya crop
KK Sakariya, RM Satasiya, VD Satasiya, PS Sapariya
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci 7, 3243-3251, 2018
In vitro free radical scavenging activity and phenol and flavonoid content of Nerium indicum, Pelto phorampterocarpum and Rosa spps. flower extracts
H Padalia, P Moteriya, R Satasiya, S Chanda
Asian J Pharm Clin Res 8 (1), 91-7, 2015
Sweet corn crop yield response to aerated drip irrigation under various irrigation water management strategies
PH Rank, RM Satasiya, BB Limbasiya, HV Parmar, GV Prajapati
Emergent Life Sciences Research 9, 10-21, 2023
Simulating the Water Footprints of Sweet Corn (Zea Mays L.) Under Various Irrigation Water Management Strategies Using AquCrop Model
PH Rank, RM Satasiya, PB Vekariya, BB Limbasiya, VK Sardhara, ...
Int. J. Modern. Engg. Tech. Sci 4 (08), 1572-1581, 2022
Development of a poly-cum-shade net house for capsicum cultivation for Saurashtra region of Gujarat state
RM Satasiya, DK Antala, RA Gupta, PD Akabari, PM Chauhan
Agricultural Engineering Today 38 (3), 28-33, 2014
Development and testing of a tractor-mounted positioner for mango harvesting.
RA Gupta, PM Pramod Mohnot, RM Satasiya, NK Gontia
Effect of protected environment on off-season seedling raising of papaya.
RM Satasiya, MA Sojitra, AV Kothiya, PM Chuhan
Development and performance evaluation of lime harvesting device
VR Vagadia, HH Mashru, HD Rank, GV Prajapati, RM Satasiya, ...
International Journal of Economic Plants 7 (2), 080-085, 2020
Effect of different packaging materials on quality of chickpea grain during storage
International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience 6 (4), 437-446, 2018
Study the micro climatic parameter in protected structure.
MA Sojitra, RM Satasiya, HD Rank, PM Chauhan, HV Parmar, DV Patel
Remote sensing and GIS applications in soil salinity analysis: A comprehensive review
KM Gojiya, HD Rank, PM Chauhan, DV Patel, RM Satasiya, GV Prajapati
Int. J. Environ. Clim. Chang 13, 2149-2161, 2023
Advances in soil moisture estimation through remote sensing and GIS: a review
K Gojiya, HD Rank, P Chauhan, D Patel, RM Satasiya, GV Prajapati
Int Res J Mod Eng Technol Sci 5 (10), 2669, 2023
Effect of irrigation levels and plastic mulch on summer okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench.)
SKRM Satasiya
International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology 7 …, 2020
Determining Potential Groundwater Recharge Zones in the North Gujarat Region of Gujarat State Using Techniques of Geoinformatics and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
S Baria, HD Rank, BB Limbasiya, A Gritesh, RM Satasiya
Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International 28 (10), 2024
Performance of summer groundnut under different types of plastic mulch.
RM Satasiya, MA Sojitra, AV Kothiya, PM Chauhan
Agricultural Research Journal, 2022
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