PJ Tan
PJ Tan
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Dynamic compressive strength properties of aluminium foams. Part I—experimental data and observations
PJ Tan, SR Reid, JJ Harrigan, Z Zou, S Li
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 53 (10), 2174-2205, 2005
Dynamic compressive strength properties of aluminium foams. Part II—‘shock’theory and comparison with experimental data and numerical models
PJ Tan, SR Reid, JJ Harrigan, Z Zou, S Li
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 53 (10), 2206-2230, 2005
Dynamic crushing of honeycombs and features of shock fronts
Z Zou, SR Reid, PJ Tan, S Li, JJ Harrigan
International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (1), 165-176, 2009
Inertia effects in uniaxial dynamic compression of a closed cell aluminium alloy foam
PJ Tan, JJ Harrigan, SR Reid
Materials science and technology 18 (5), 480-488, 2002
High rate crushing of wood along the grain
JJ Harrigan, SR Reid, PJ Tan, TY Reddy
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 47 (4-5), 521-544, 2005
On the dynamic mechanical properties of open-cell metal foams–A re-assessment of the ‘simple-shock theory’
PJ Tan, SR Reid, JJ Harrigan
International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (19-20), 2744-2753, 2012
Multi-scale constitutive modeling of ceramic matrix composites by continuum damage mechanics
A Shojaei, G Li, J Fish, PJ Tan
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (23-24), 4068-4081, 2014
Viscoplastic constitutive theory for brittle to ductile damage in polycrystalline materials under dynamic loading
A Shojaei, GZ Voyiadjis, PJ Tan
International Journal of Plasticity 48, 125-151, 2013
Deformation and failure of rectangular plates subjected to impulsive loadings
Y Yuan, PJ Tan
International Journal of Impact Engineering 59, 46-59, 2013
Three-point bending performance of sandwich panels with various types of cores
F Xia, Y Durandet, PJ Tan, D Ruan
Thin-Walled Structures 179, 109723, 2022
Crack initiation and fracture toughness of random Voronoi honeycombs
I Christodoulou, PJ Tan
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 104, 140-161, 2013
A modeling and machine learning approach to ECG feature engineering for the detection of ischemia using pseudo-ECG
CA Ledezma, X Zhou, B Rodriguez, PJ Tan, V Diaz-Zuccarini
PloS one 14 (8), e0220294, 2019
Fabrication and mechanical characterization of CFRP X-core sandwich panels
J Mei, PJ Tan, F Bosi, T Zhang, JY Liu, B Wang, W Huang
Thin-Walled Structures 158, 107144, 2021
Plastic behavior and failure mechanism of Ti-6Al-4V under quasi-static and dynamic shear loading
Z Xu, X He, H Hu, PJ Tan, Y Liu, F Huang
International Journal of Impact Engineering 130, 281-291, 2019
Confined blast loading of steel plates with and without pre-formed holes
C Zhang, PJ Tan, Y Yuan
International Journal of Impact Engineering 163, 104183, 2022
Dynamic structural response of laminated glass panels to blast loading
Y Yuan, PJ Tan, Y Li
Composite Structures 182, 579-589, 2017
Moisture absorption characteristics and mechanical degradation of composite lattice truss core sandwich panel in a hygrothermal environment
J Mei, PJ Tan, J Liu, Z He, W Huang
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 127, 105647, 2019
Dynamic delamination in laminated fiber reinforced composites: A continuum damage mechanics approach
A Shojaei, G Li, PJ Tan, J Fish
International Journal of Solids and Structures 71, 262-276, 2015
Experimental investigation and modelling of T-stubs undergoing large displacements
AC Faralli, M Latour, PJ Tan, G Rizzano, P Wrobel
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 180, 106580, 2021
Large deformation, damage evolution and failure of ductile structures to pulse-pressure loading
Y Yuan, PJ Tan, KA Shojaei, P Wrobel
International Journal of Solids and Structures 96, 320-339, 2016
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