F.X. Nugroho Soelami
F.X. Nugroho Soelami
Engineering Physics Institut Teknologi Bandung
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Development of battery management system for cell monitoring and protection
IN Haq, E Leksono, M Iqbal, FXN Sodami, D Kurniadi, B Yuliarto
2014 international conference on electrical engineering and computer science …, 2014
Determination of discomfort glare criteria for daylit space in Indonesia
RA Mangkuto, KA Kurnia, DN Azizah, RT Atmodipoero, FXN Soelami
Solar Energy 149, 151-163, 2017
The multisensory interaction between auditory, visual, and thermal to the overall comfort in public open space: A study in a tropical climate
NPA Nitidara, J Sarwono, S Suprijanto, FXN Soelami
Sustainable Cities and Society 78, 103622, 2022
State of charge (SoC) estimation on LiFePO4 battery module using Coulomb counting methods with modified Peukert
E Leksono, IN Haq, M Iqbal, FXN Soelami, IGN Merthayasa
Rural Information & Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology …, 2013
Performance-based fire safety evacuation in high-rise building flats in Indonesia–a case study in Bandung
W Sujatmiko, HK Dipojono, FXN Soelami
Procedia Environmental Sciences 20, 116-125, 2014
Revisiting the national standard of daylighting in Indonesia: A study of five daylit spaces in Bandung
RA Mangkuto, AD Asri, M Rohmah, FXN Soelami, RM Soegijanto
Solar Energy 126, 276-290, 2016
Report on thermal comfort study in Bandung, Indonesia
TH Karyono, S Wonohardjo, FN Soelami, W Hendradjit
Proceedings of International Conference’Comfort and Energy Use in Building …, 2006
The effects of illuminance, colour temperature, and colour rendering of various existing light-emitting diode lamps on subjective preference and performance in Indonesia
RA Mangkuto, A Enge, F Munir, FXN Soelami
Journal of Building Engineering 19, 334-341, 2018
Natural ventilation and temperature conditions in some high-rise building flats in Bandung and Jakarta in perspective of adaptive thermal comfort
W Sujatmiko, HK Dipojono, FXN Soelami
Procedia Environmental Sciences 28, 360-369, 2015
Faridah. The effects of illuminance, colour temperature, and colour rendering of various existing light-emitting diode lamps on subjective preference and performance in Indonesia
MRA Revantino, A Enge, F Munir, FXN Soelami
Journal of Building Engineering 19, 334-341, 2018
Performance analysis of energy storage in smart microgrid based on historical data of individual battery temperature and voltage changes
IN Haq, D Kurniadi, E Leksono, B Yuliarto, FXN Soelami
J. Eng. Technol. Sci 51 (2), 149-169, 2019
Spectral reflectance and chromaticity differences of various colors of interior finishing material samples under tunable LED lamps
Z Ajrina, RA Mangkuto, FXN Soelami
Journal of Building Engineering 44, 103280, 2021
Daylight Annual Illuminance Investigation in Elementary School Classrooms for the Tropic of Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, FXN Soelami
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 25 (1), 129-139, 2021
Effects of luminous furniture on mood
P Wardono, FXN Soelami
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 222, 342-350, 2016
Improvement of high-power-white-LED lamp performance by liquid injection
TM Roffi, I Idris, K Uchida, S Nozaki, N Sugiyama, H Morisaki, ...
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2011
Study of effect of daylight on Building User's Performance Based on Electroencephalograph Signal
RA Mangkuto, FXN Soelami, S Suprijanto
10th International Seminar on Sustainable Environment and Architecture (10th …, 2009
Daylight annual illuminance investigation in elementary school classrooms for the tropic of Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
A Atthaillah, RA Mangkuto, MD Koerniawan, FXN Soelami
J. Appl. Sci. Eng 25 (1), 129-139, 2022
Development of thermoregulation model of surgical patient and heat exchange with air condition in the operating room
R Romadhon, AD Rinata, Y Bindar, FXN Soelami
Procedia Engineering 170, 547-551, 2017
Simulasi Energi dan Keekonomian Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) untuk Fungsi Peak Load Shaving pada Bangunan di Lingkungan Kampus ITB
IN Haq, J Pradipta, MRS Sheba, AWD Persada, FXN Soelami, E Leksono
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology 5 (1), 179-186, 2021
Analysis of the visual safety perception and the clarity of traffic signs and road markings in the presence of road lighting in straight and curved road
E Setyaningsih, LS Putranto, FXN Soelami
Matec web of Conferences 181, 04001, 2018
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