Suzy Styles
Suzy Styles
Associate Professor in Psychology, Nanyang Technological University
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
When Does Maluma/Takete Fail? Two Key Failures and a Meta-Analysis Suggest That Phonology and Phonotactics Matter
SJ Styles, L Gawne
i-Perception 8 (4), 2041669517724807, 2017
How do infants build a semantic system?
SJ Styles, K Plunkett
Language and Cognition 1 (1), 1-24, 2009
How to do better N400 studies: reproducibility, consistency and adherence to research standards in the existing literature
A Šoškić, V Jovanović, SJ Styles, ES Kappenman, V Ković
Neuropsychology Review 32 (3), 577-600, 2022
What is ‘word understanding’for the parent of a one-year-old? Matching the difficulty of a lexical comprehension task to parental CDI report
S Styles, K Plunkett
Journal of Child Language 36 (4), 895-908, 2009
Can a Word Sound Like a Shape Before You Have Seen It? Sound-Shape Mapping Prior to Conscious Awareness
SM Hung, SJ Styles, PJ Hsieh
Psychological Science 28 (3), 263-275, 2017
Good scientific practice in EEG and MEG research: Progress and perspectives
G Niso, LR Krol, E Combrisson, AS Dubarry, MA Elliott, C François, ...
NeuroImage 257, 119056, 2022
Balloons and bavoons versus spikes and shikes: ERPs reveal shared neural processes for shape–sound-meaning congruence in words, and shape–sound congruence in pseudowords
J Sučević, AM Savić, MB Popović, SJ Styles, V Ković
Brain and language 145, 11-22, 2015
ERP correlates of unexpected word forms in a picture–word study of infants and adults
MD Duta, SJ Styles, K Plunkett
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 2 (2), 223-234, 2012
End-to-end language diarization for bilingual code-switching speech
H Liu, LPG Perera, X Zhang, J Dauwels, AWH Khong, S Khudanpur, ...
22nd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association …, 2021
Efficient Self-Supervised Learning Representations for Spoken Language Identification
H Liu, LPG Perera, AWH Khong, ES Chng, SJ Styles, S Khudanpur
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 16 (6), 1296-1307, 2022
Is a high tone pointy? Speakers of different languages match Mandarin Chinese tones to visual shapes differently
N Shang, SJ Styles
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2139, 2017
Early links in the early lexicon: Semantically related word-pairs prime picture looking in the second year
S Styles, K Plunkett
Lexical representation: a multi-disciplinary approach, 51-88, 2011
Towards ARTEM-IS: Design guidelines for evidence-based EEG methodology reporting tools
SJ Styles, V Ković, H Ke, A Šoškić
NeuroImage 245, 118721, 2021
Early linguistic experience shapes bilingual adults’ hearing for phonemes in both languages
L Pan, H Ke, SJ Styles
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 4703, 2022
Cross-modal perception of noise-in-music: Audiences generate spiky shapes in response to auditory roughness in a novel electroacoustic concert setting
K Liew, PM Lindborg, R Rodrigues, SJ Styles
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 178, 2018
The Garden of Forking Paths in ERP Research: Effects of varying pre-processing and analysis steps in an N400 experiment
A Šoškić, SJ Styles, ES Kappenman, V Ković
PHO-LID: A Unified Model Incorporating Acoustic-Phonetic and Phonotactic Information for Language Identification
H Liu, LPG Perera, AWH Khong, SJ Styles, S Khudanpur
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.12366, 2022
Glyph guessing for ‘oo’and ‘ee’: spatial frequency information in sound symbolic matching for ancient and unfamiliar scripts
N Turoman, SJ Styles
Royal Society open science 4 (9), 170882, 2017
MERLIon CCS Challenge: A English-Mandarin code-switching child-directed speech corpus for language identification and diarization
VYH Chua, H Liu, LPG Perera, FT Woon, J Wong, X Zhang, S Khudanpur, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.18881, 2023
Priming and lexical interference in infancy
SJ Styles, N Arias-Trejo, K Plunkett
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society, 2008
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