Da Ros Luisa
Da Ros Luisa
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Microplastic particles in sediments of Lagoon of Venice, Italy: First observations on occurrence, spatial patterns and identification
A Vianello, A Boldrin, P Guerriero, V Moschino, R Rella, A Sturaro, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 130, 54-61, 2013
Bioaccumulation and biomarker responses of trace metals and micro-organic pollutants in mussels and fish from the Lagoon of Venice, Italy
N Nesto, S Romano, V Moschino, M Mauri, L Da Ros
Marine Pollution Bulletin 55 (10-12), 469-484, 2007
Field application of biochemical markers and a physiological index in the mussel
C Nasci, N Nesto, RA Monteduro, L Da Ros
Mytilus galloprovincialis, 811-816, 0
Gametogenic cycle and variations in oocyte size of Tapes philippinarum from the Lagoon of Venice
F Meneghetti, V Moschino, L Da Ros
Aquaculture 240 (1-4), 473-488, 2004
Clam transplantation and stress-related biomarkers as useful tools for assessing water quality in coastal environments
C Nasci, L Da Ros, G Campesan, ES Van Vleet, M Salizzato, L Sperni, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 39 (1-12), 255-260, 1999
Apparent induction of a cytochrome P450 with immunochemical similarities to CYP1A in digestive gland of the common mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis L.) with exposure to 2, 2 …
DR Livingstone, C Nasci, M Solé, L Da Ros, SCM O'Hara, LD Peters, ...
Aquatic toxicology 38 (4), 205-224, 1997
First evaluation of floating microplastics in the Northwestern Adriatic Sea
A Vianello, L Da Ros, A Boldrin, T Marceta, V Moschino
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 28546-28561, 2018
Biomarkers and trace metals in the digestive gland of indigenous and transplanted mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, in Venice Lagoon, Italy
L Da Ros, C Nasci, I Marigomez, M Soto
Perkinsus, a protistan threat to bivalve culture in the Mediterranean basin.
L Da Ros, WJ Canzonier
Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 5 (2), 23-27, 1986
Particulate matter and phytoplankton in the Ionian Sea
S Rabitti, F Bianchi, A Boldrin, L Daros, G Socal, C Totti
Oceanologica Acta 17 (3), 297-307, 1994
Assessing the significance of Ruditapes philippinarum as a sentinel for sediment pollution: bioaccumulation and biomarker responses
V Moschino, E Delaney, L Da Ros
Environmental Pollution 171, 52-60, 2012
L., AND WJ CANZONIER. 1985. Perkinsus, a protistan threat to bivalve culture in the Mediterranean basin
DA Ros
Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 5, 23-25, 0
Effects of diet and density on growth, survival and gametogenesis of< i> Hediste diversicolor</i>(OF Müller, 1776)(Nereididae, Polychaeta)
N Nesto, R Simonini, D Prevedelli, L Da Ros
Aquaculture, 1-9, 2012
Field application of lysosomal destabilization indices in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (L) as biomarkers of environmental stress
L Da Ros, F Meneghetti, C Nasci
Marine Environmental Research 54 (3-5), 817-892, 2002
Biochemical and histochemical responses to environmental contaminants in clam, Tapes philippinarum, transplanted to different polluted areas of Venice Lagoon, Italy
C Nasci, L Da Ros, N Nesto, L Sperni, F Passarini, B Pavoni
Marine Environmental Research 50 (1-5), 425-430, 2000
Biomonitoring approach with mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk) and clam Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeve, 1850) in the Lagoon of Venice
V Moschino, E Delaney, F Meneghetti, LD Ros
Environmental monitoring and assessment 177 (1), 649-663, 2011
Biomarkers for TBT immunotoxicity studies on the cultivated clam Tapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeve, 1850)
F Cima, MG Marin, V Matozzo, L Da Ros, L Ballarin
Marine pollution bulletin 39 (1-12), 112-115, 1999
Immunotoxic effects of organotin compounds in Tapes philippinarum
F Cima, MG Marin, V Matozzo, L Da Ros, L Ballarin
Chemosphere 37 (14-15), 3035-3045, 1998
Reproductive cycle of the mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk) in Venice lagoon (North Adriatic)
L Da Ros, M Bressan, MG Marin
Italian Journal of Zoology 52 (3-4), 223-229, 1985
Spatial and temporal variation of biomarkers in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Lagoon of Venice, Italy
N Nesto, M Bertoldo, C Nasci, L Da Ros
Marine environmental research 58 (2-5), 287-291, 2004
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