Dr. Dhiraj K. Singh
Dr. Dhiraj K. Singh
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Smallholder dairy farmers’ access to modern milk marketing chains in India
A Kumar, SJ Staal, DK Singh
Income Sources of Farm Households in India: Determinants, Distributional Consequences and Policy Implications
PS Birthal, DS Negi, AK Jha, D Singh
Agricultural Economics Research Review 27 (1), 37-48, 2014
Performance of rural credit and factors affecting the choice of credit sources
A Kumar, DK Singh, P Kumar
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 62 (3), 297, 2007
Agricultural diversification in North eastern region of India: Implications for growth and equity
PS Birthal, AK Jha, PK Joshi, DK Singh
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 61 (3), 328, 2006
Livestock sector in north-eastern region of India: An appraisal of performance
A Kumar, S Staal, K Elumalai, DK Singh
Agricultural Economics Research Review 20 (2), 255-272, 2007
Rural Employment Diversification in India: Trends, Determinants and Implications on Poverty
A Kumar, S Kumar, DK Singh
Agricultural Economics Research Review 24, 361-372, 2011
Adoption of food safety practices in milk production: Implications for dairy farmers in India
A Kumar, IA Wright, DK Singh
Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 23 (4), 330-344, 2011
Livestock Production Systems in India: An Appraisal Across Agro-Ecological Regions
A Kumar, DK Singh
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 63 (4), 577, 2008
Ground truthing the cost of achieving the EAT lancet recommended diets: Evidence from rural India
PP Soumya Gupta, Vidya Vemireddy, Dhiraj K. Singh
Global Food Security, 2021
Adapting the Women's empowerment in agriculture index to specific country context: Insights and critiques from fieldwork in India
S Gupta, V Vemireddy, D Singh, P Pingali
Global food security 23, 245-255, 2019
Determinants of dairy farmers’ choice of marketing channels in Bihar, India
DK Singh
Agricultural Economics Research Review 31 (1), 149-155, 2018
Livestock sector trade of India: surging momentum in the new liberalised regime
A Kumar, SJ Staal, NP Singh, DK Singh
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 62 (3), 395, 2007
A study of fodder value chain in Bihar (India)
KM Singh, R Singh, A Jha, D Singh, V Singh
Available at SSRN 2030610, 2012
Technical efficiency of dairy farmers in Bihar, India: status and determinants
DK Singh
Agricultural Economics Research Review 33 (1), 81-86, 2020
Analysis of Fodder Value Chain in Bihar: An Exploratory Study
AK Jha, KM Singh, RKP Singh, VK Singh, DK Singh
Agricultural Economics Research Review. 23 (Conf.), 559-60, 2010
Income diversification among rural farm households and its effect on income equity and social welfare
PS Birthal, AK Jha, DK Singh
Working Paper No, 2007
173: Laproscopic cholecystectomy under spinal anaesthesia
DK Singh
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 31 (5), 10, 2006
Extent of heterosis for seed yield over the locations in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss)
D Singh, P Kumar, SC Gulati, RK Dixit, AR Pathak, R Rambhajan
CCSHAU, Hisar,(Symposium) 58, 1996
Copper status of medium black soils (Indore district)
D Singh, RS Denge, RG Dixit
JNKVV, Research Journal 5, 14-17, 1971
Mineral mixture feeding enhances dairy animals productivity: A study of Bihar, India
DK Singh, SP Sahu, N Teufel
Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 37 (1), 26-30, 2020
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