Jerry Shan
Jerry Shan
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Percolation threshold and electrical conductivity of graphene-based nanocomposites with filler agglomeration and interfacial tunneling
Y Wang, JW Shan, GJ Weng
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (6), 2015
Fabrication of flexible, aligned carbon nanotube/polymer composite membranes by in-situ polymerization
S Kim, F Fornasiero, HG Park, JB In, E Meshot, G Giraldo, M Stadermann, ...
Journal of membrane science 460, 91-98, 2014
Reynolds-number effects and anisotropy in transverse-jet mixing
JW Shan, PE Dimotakis
Journal of fluid mechanics 566, 47-96, 2006
The effects of electroporation buffer composition on cell viability and electro-transfection efficiency
JJ Sherba, S Hogquist, H Lin, JW Shan, DI Shreiber, JD Zahn
Scientific reports 10 (1), 3053, 2020
On the anisotropic thermal conductivity of magnetorheological suspensions
BN Reinecke, JW Shan, KK Suabedissen, AS Cherkasova
Journal of applied physics 104 (2), 2008
Highly efficient osmotic energy harvesting in charged boron‐nitride‐nanopore membranes
A Pendse, S Cetindag, P Rehak, S Behura, H Gao, NHL Nguyen, T Wang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (15), 2009586, 2021
Vesicle deformation and poration under strong dc electric fields
MM Sadik, J Li, JW Shan, DI Shreiber, H Lin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (6 …, 2011
Transport, resealing, and re-poration dynamics of two-pulse electroporation-mediated molecular delivery
Y Demiryurek, M Nickaeen, M Zheng, M Yu, JD Zahn, DI Shreiber, H Lin, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1848 (8), 1706-1714, 2015
Particle aspect-ratio effects on the thermal conductivity of micro-and nanoparticle suspensions
AS Cherkasova, JW Shan
Charged layered boron nitride‐nanoflake membranes for efficient ion separation and water purification
A Pendse, S Cetindag, MH Lin, A Rackovic, R Debbarma, S Almassi, ...
Small 15 (49), 1904590, 2019
Particle aspect-ratio and agglomeration-state effects on the effective thermal conductivity of aqueous suspensions of multiwalled carbon nanotubes
AS Cherkasova, JW Shan
Quantification of propidium iodide delivery using millisecond electric pulses: experiments
MM Sadik, J Li, JW Shan, DI Shreiber, H Lin
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1828 (4), 1322-1328, 2013
Scalar concentration measurements in liquid-phase flows with pulsed lasers
JW Shan, DB Lang, PE Dimotakis
Experiments in Fluids 36, 268-273, 2004
Electrokinetics of scalable, electric-field-assisted fabrication of vertically aligned carbon-nanotube/polymer composites
RJ Castellano, C Akin, G Giraldo, S Kim, F Fornasiero, JW Shan
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (21), 2015
Contactless determination of electrical conductivity of one-dimensional nanomaterials by solution-based electro-orientation spectroscopy
C Akin, J Yi, LC Feldman, C Durand, SM Hus, AP Li, MA Filler, JW Shan
ACS nano 9 (5), 5405-5412, 2015
Scaling relationship and optimization of double-pulse electroporation
MM Sadik, M Yu, M Zheng, JD Zahn, JW Shan, DI Shreiber, H Lin
Biophysical journal 106 (4), 801-812, 2014
Electrical polarizability of carbon nanotubes in liquid suspension
MS Brown, JW Shan, C Lin, FM Zimmermann
Applied Physics Letters 90 (20), 2007
Electrically tunable viscosity of dilute suspensions of carbon nanotubes
C Lin, JW Shan
Physics of Fluids 19 (12), 2007
Motion control, planning and manipulation of nanowires under electric-fields in fluid suspension
K Yu, J Yi, JW Shan
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 12 (1), 37-49, 2014
Simultaneous multiple-nanowire motion control, planning, and manipulation under electric fields in fluid suspension
K Yu, J Yi, J Shan
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 15 (1), 80-91, 2016
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