James A. Martin
James A. Martin
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Machine learning of large‐scale spatial distributions of wild turkeys with high‐dimensional environmental data
A Farrell, G Wang, SA Rush, JA Martin, JL Belant, AB Butler, D Godwin
Ecology and evolution 9 (10), 5938-5949, 2019
Avian species and functional diversity in agricultural landscapes: does landscape heterogeneity matter?
MB Lee, JA Martin
PloS one 12 (1), e0170540, 2017
A framework for managing airport grasslands and birds amidst conflicting priorities
BF Blackwell, TW Seamans, PM Schmidt, TL Devault, JL Belant, ...
Wildlife risk to aviation: a multi-scale issue requires a multi-scale solution
JA Martin, JL Belant, TL DeVault, BF Blackwell, LW Burger Jr, SK Riffell, ...
Human-Wildlife Interactions 5 (2), 198-203, 2011
Airports offer unrealized potential for alternative energy production
TL DeVault, JL Belant, BF Blackwell, JA Martin, JA Schmidt, L Wes Burger, ...
Environmental Management 49, 517-522, 2012
Landscape heterogeneity reduces coyote predation on white‐tailed deer fawns
WD Gulsby, JC Kilgo, M Vukovich, JA Martin
The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (4), 601-609, 2017
Environmental effects of short‐rotation woody crops for bioenergy: What is and isn't known
NA Griffiths, BM Rau, KB Vaché, G Starr, MM Bitew, DP Aubrey, JA Martin, ...
GCB Bioenergy 11 (4), 554-572, 2019
Identifying bobcat Lynx rufus kill sites using a global positioning system
NJ Svoboda, JL Belant, DE Beyer, JF Duquette, JA Martin
Wildlife Biology 19 (1), 78-86, 2013
White‐tailed deer incidents with US civil aircraft
KM Biondi, JL Belant, JA Martin, TL DeVault, G Wang
Wildlife Society Bulletin 35 (3), 303-309, 2011
Timing of nest vegetation measurement may obscure adaptive significance of nest‐site characteristics: a simulation study
MD McConnell, AP Monroe, LW Burger Jr, JA Martin
Ecology and Evolution 7 (4), 1259-1270, 2017
Heavy metal bioaccumulation in two passerines with differing migration strategies
Z Cooper, R Bringolf, R Cooper, K Loftis, AL Bryan, JA Martin
Science of the Total Environment 592, 25-32, 2017
Multi‐region response to conservation buffers targeted for northern bobwhite
KO Evans, LW Burger Jr, CS Oedekoven, MD Smith, SK Riffell, JA Martin, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (4), 716-725, 2013
Bird harassment, repellent, and deterrent techniques for use on and near airports
JL Belant
Transportation Research Board, 2011
Wild turkey habitat use in frequently-burned pine savanna
JA Martin, WE Palmer, SM Juhan Jr, JP Carroll
Forest Ecology and Management 285, 179-186, 2012
Multi-dimensional space use: the final frontier
JL Belant, JJ Millspaugh, JA Martin, RA Gitzen
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2012
Reduction in meso‐mammal nest predators improves northern bobwhite demographics
WE Palmer, JP Carroll, DC Sisson, SD Wellendorf, TM Terhune, ...
The Journal of wildlife management 83 (3), 646-656, 2019
Private land conservation has landscape‐scale benefits for wildlife in agroecosystems
JM Yeiser, JJ Morgan, DL Baxley, RB Chandler, JA Martin
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (4), 1930-1939, 2018
Northern bobwhite habitat use in a food subsidized pyric landscape
DJ McGrath, TM Terhune, JA Martin
The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (5), 919-927, 2017
Effects of fire management on northern bobwhite brood ecology
JT Kamps, WE Palmer, TM Terhune, G Hagan, JA Martin
European Journal of Wildlife Research 63, 1-10, 2017
Rethinking airport land-cover paradigms
TL DeVault, MJ Begier, JL Belant, BF Blackwell, RA Dolbeer, JA Martin, ...
Human-wildlife interactions 7 (1), 10-15, 2013
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